Thursday, January 25, 2007

Yay! Tomorrow's finally Friday!

Haha lol, I know that title is kind of random, but I couldn't really think of a different one! But yeah, I am really happy that tomorrow is Friday. :)
Well, school has been going pretty well. But there was another incident in choir on Tuesday (surprise, surprise). I could not believe how disrespectful some of these people acted, but then again, I'd almost believe anything in that class. Well, I've already said that our class is extremely chaotic. There's this group of girls that don't feel like listening and participating in class. They even have tried to get our teacher fired! And the only reason they hate him is because he tells them that they need to participate whenever they're talking, listening to iPods, or writing notes. Well, now they're mad because we sing "boring" songs. True, we're singing a song that repeats the same sentence over and over throughout the whole thing. But the reason that Mr. Sutton won't let us sing better songs is because of how people don't pay attention in class! Well anyway, these girls are obsessed with the song "Lean on Me" and are begging Mr. Sutton to let us sing that. But he said we can't until the class gets through this song and we all start paying attention and participating. Well, apparently that wasn't enough for them, because when Mr. Sutton told us to start singing, those girls started singing Lean on Me instead of the song we were supposed to sing! Then, Mr. Sutton walked over to the girl who was doing it the most and tried to tell her to stop, but the girl kept turning away from him. So finally, Mr. Sutton tapped her shoulder and told her to turn around, and then the girl started whining, "Omg, you hit me!!" And then she stormed out of the classroom even after Mr. Sutton told her to go sit in his office. It was completely ridiculous! Of course Mr. Sutton hadn't hit her; she was just trying to find another way to get him fired. Well, luckily, it looks like the principal didn't believe her, because Mr. Sutton still has his job.
So yeah, that's just one of many of the incidents in choir. I really miss choir last year. It was so much better because people actually sang! For some reason all these girls joined this year even though they weren't in it last year.
But to end on a positive note, I got another recital costume! I'm still waiting for the one they're supposed to exchange. But I got the tap one! It's really interesting. lol And like I said, tomorrow's Friday!! Yay!!!

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Back again

Well, I had to return to school again today after a long weekend (we got out for Martin Luther King Day). Today Mr. Richardson did something weird, and completely random!! When we all went into class, he had this paper cutout of a dog's head, and he started walking around the room, and he stopped by some people's desks (including me) and made barking and growling sounds. And of course, everyone was like, "Mr. Richardson, what on Earth are you doing?!" (although, after being in his class for 5 months, not much surprises us anymore. lol). He told us that it was the class pet and that his name was Mathicus. So now Mathicus is up on the board for everyone to see. I have no idea where Mr. Richardson ever got the idea to do that! lol
Well, not much else really happened at school. But tonight, American Idol starts! Whoo! I've been watching that show since season 3, but last season was the best one. My favorite last year was Taylor, who ended up winning! So tonight, they're starting a new season with the auditions, which are really funny, because a lot of people go on there that can't sing. A lot of them know they're bad singers and they just go on there just to be on TV, but it's still really funny. lol
Well, I guess that's it for today. But if Mr. Richardson does something weird tomorrow, I'll be sure to mention it here! lol

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Back to school

Well, today was my first day back at school. Luckily, my weird Algebra teacher, Mr. Richardson, wasn't too weird today. I remember the day we returned from fall break, he started yelling, "It's so good to see you all again!!!!!" and jumping around the room!
Then after math, I went to language arts for the first time. Last semester, I had a class called freshman composition, which was just writing, but now I'm just in regular language arts. My teacher's name is Mrs. Gluck (lol, great name, huh?). She was nice, but what was weird was that she looks a lot like my language arts teacher that I had in 6th grade! And luckily, she told us that she doesn't give much homework. And also in that class, she wanted to get to know our names, so we went around the room and told her our name and our favorite animal. I said that my favorite was a dog, but some of the boys gave really weird answers! Josh said that he likes donkeys, and Chris said that he likes cows! As you can tell, the people in that class are really weird. lol
And then after that was choir, which I've had all year. Okay, I could go on and on about that class. You'd just have to see it to believe it. I think that class should go in the book of world records for the most chaotic class in history! It's combined with 7th, 8th, and 9th graders, and there are tons of people in there who don't even like to sing but they just took the class because they had to pick an elective, and they never listen! People are always talking or writing notes during class, even while we're singing! And our teacher, Mr. Sutton, is new and hasn't had experience, so he has a lot of trouble controlling the students. I'm surprised that we ever managed to learn our songs for the Christmas concert last month! And then after choir was PE, but nothing really interesting happened there.
And last, I went to science for the first time (I had history last semester). My teacher is Mrs. Cleveland. She seemed like one of those people who is strict with the people who are bad, but as long as you do your work and don't cause trouble, she'll like you. But unfortunately, my seat is next to this really weird guy named Conner! Oh well, he hasn't bothered me at all so far, so maybe it'll be ok.
And then later, I had dance class. Wednesday nights are when I have regular ballet and then pointe. We got our recital costumes for the ballet! They're white and they're really pretty, but my costume ended up being to small, so I didn't get to bring it home! My teacher is going to see if she can exchange it, which she said she can probably do. So I should have the costume by next week!

Tuesday, January 9, 2007

My last day of winter break. :(

I'm so sad. :( Today is my last day of winter break, and I have to go back to school tomorrow. Well, at least we got two weeks off. My friends in Virginia I think only got one week.
Well, nothing interesting has really happened today. The only place I went was the dentist, but at least I got good news that I didn't have any cavities! But now, I'm just trying to make this last day of winter break go by slooooooow. lol

Friday, January 5, 2007

My first post

Well, this is my first post in my new blog, and I'm mostly just using it as sort of a journal. But my friends are welcome to look at it! Well, I just wanted to get my blog started, and I hope everyone enjoys it!