Monday, September 22, 2008

Post #61

Well, it's yet another week of school. lol. This weekend was so much fun because of the dance and everything, but now it's back to good old school. lol Today wasn't too bad though. It actually went by pretty fast, which was a good thing. :)
Dance tonight was very interesting. I have ballet first, and then I have jazz right after that. We have the same teacher for both classes, but for some reason she couldn't make it to our ballet class so one of the girls from the advanced classes had to come teach our class. She couldn't get her iPod to work so it would play the music, so we ended up having to dance to the only CD that was in the room, which was "Classic Disney Tunes." So that was quite comical, doing pique turns across the floor to "Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah" being sung by Goofy. So yeah, ballet was pretty interesting. lol. Our teacher finally came for our jazz class so that was pretty normal. haha
Well, I better go now so I can finish my Spanish homework and watch another episode of Heroes! Omigosh, I'm totally hooked on that show now because my parents and I have been ordering the first season from Netflix. It's kind of weird and creepy, but that's part of what makes it so suspenseful and addicting. lol. It's really good so far! Actually, I think tonight the third season is premeiring, but since we're a little behind we're just going to continue getting the season 1 DVDs in the mail, and hopefully by next year we'll be caught up and we can watch the episodes as they air on TV. lol Bye for now!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Post #60

Well, I just figured I should probably make a post again since I haven't posted in awhile. :) Not much has really happened since my last post. Well, they did decide to permanently put me in that higher level tap class I was talking about. It's gone really well so far, and I think it's a lot of fun. It's pretty much the same age group as what I was in before, it's just that a lot of the competition dancers are in this class. It's not that much harder than my other class, so I think I'll do okay in this class. :)
Well, I'm excited because tonight I'm going to another dance with my friend Shaun and a few of his other friends! His church has a dance every few months and he always invites us. It's going to be so fun. :D

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Remembering 9/11

Well, as everyone knows, today is the 7-year-anniversary of 9/11, one of the saddest days in American history. I still remember that day very well. I was 9 years old and in 4th grade at the time that it happened. For all of us elementary-schoolers, it was an especially scary day- everything was totally normal, and then all of the sudden our teachers began to act really strange- we saw them all whispering to each other with worried looks on their faces, but they wouldn't tell any of us what was going on. Tons of people were being called down to the office for early dismissal because their parents wanted to come get them. But still, no one would tell us what happened. But we knew something was very wrong. Finally at the end of the day (my parents didn't pick me up, and my mom later told me that she figured I was safer at the school than anywhere else) our principal came on the intercom and told us that something very bad had happened, but that she didn't want to talk about it, so she told us to talk about it with our parents when we got home. I remember that as my neighbor and I were getting off the bus, my neighbor told me that she knew something about what was going on, and that it was something about "murderers and a plane crash" (I have no idea how she figured this out, perhaps she overheard some of the teachers?) so that really worried me. So finally I walked into my house and my parents were watching the news. That's when I saw the footage of one of the planes ramming right into the World Trade Center. I couldn't believe my eyes and I asked my parents what was going on. My mom explained to me how these terrible men from another country who hated us hijaked the planes. That was when I first learned about terrorists. I remember being overcome with sadness thinking of all those people who died, and I felt angry that anyone could be so evil and kill innocent people. Even though I was fortunate enough to have not lost a loved one in any of the crashes, it was still one of the saddest days ever, as it was for most Americans. One thing that we can be very thankful for is that we're very protected now, and we're making sure nothing like this ever happens again. May all the victims of this horrible tradgedy and their families be at peace.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Post #58

Okay, I'm finally back, I know I've been neglecting my blog a bit. Well, things are going a bit better with my family. My aunt's funeral already took place, but unfortunately we couldn't go since we live on practically the other side of the country and I'm in school. My uncle is doing a lot better now, since everything has finally sunk in. My grandma and my other aunt also went out and stayed with him for awhile, and now his stepson has moved in with him so he won't be alone.

Well, school is still going pretty well. Remember that guy in my science class I told you about who tried to pay me one dollar to let him cheat off of my test? Well, he didn't bother me again after that, but today something else happened. He tried to cheat off of me again, and this time, guess what it was that was sooo incredibly hard that he couldn't do it himself? No, it was not a test like last time. But we were working on our notes. My teacher basically typed up, word-for-word, what it said in our textbooks and all we had to do was look in the textbook and fill in a few blanks. So, I finished my notes and apparently, after I got up out of my seat and went over to get my materials to work on my portfolio, the guy took my paper and started copying it. I didn't even realize my paper was gone when I sat back down, but then my teacher walked over to the guy, told him he was getting a zero, and handed my paper to me. Again, all I could do was laugh at how stupid he was being. I mean, HOW could you want to cheat on something so simple? What was really funny was that he got caught again. He claimed last time that he was sneaky, and here he was getting caught for the second time. haha.

Peer helping is also going well. I'm getting to know my classmates a lot better. Right now we're working on a skit that we're going to perform. In October, we're going to an event that's basically about being drug-free, not drinking and driving, etc. I'm kind of nervous about performing the skit, but luckily my teacher won't make us have a big part with a lot of lines if we don't want to talk a lot. lol

Spanish is going well, but I'm kind of worried about our test tomorrow, because my teacher told us that she's going to be picking some of the most difficult questions to put on it (ever since almost everyone got A's the last test we took, our teacher has been convinced that she's not challenging us enough). Also, one of the main things on the test is preterite vs. imperfect (for those of you who haven't had Spanish before, those are two different forms of past-tense verb conjugations). We already learned that in Spanish 2, but that was one of the hardest things we did. I mean, sometimes it's really obvious which verb form you use, but other times it's really hard to tell! So hopefully the test will go okay. Well, at least if it ends up being totally impossible and everyone fails, maybe my teacher will change her mind about challenging us more. ;) Also on Friday, we are going to have to get in small groups and converse with each other and answer discussion questions in Spanish- and the worst thing is that my teacher will give us tape recorders so she can listen to our conversations later! So that's kinda...weird. lol. Well, at least our class will be cut short since we have a pep rally, and then I'll get to see my friends. :)

Also, I don't think I mentioned that dance has started again (or maybe I did...I can't remember. lol). I have ballet and jazz on Mondays, and tap on Tuesdays. I just got an email from my dance school, however, and they said they wanted me to come back tomorrow night and try out the higher level tap class to see if they can move me up. It's really weird, we only have about 7 people enrolled in our tap class and for the past 3 weeks, only about 3-4 people have even been showing up. So I guess that's why they're trying to see if they can move us up, since it looks like we don't have enough people in our class right now. I'm kind of nervous about it, because apparently that class is really huge and a lot of the really good competition dancers are in that might be kind of intimidating but hopefully it'll go okay. :)

Also, please keep my cousin in your prayers, because he is in the army and he was sent to serve in Afganistan, and my aunt just called today and said that he's leaving tomorrow to go out there (he's leaving on 9/11- that's REALLY weird). We all really hope he'll be ok and that he won't have to be out there for long, because as you know, Afganistann is NOT a safe place to be at all. :( So please keep him in your prayers!