Thursday, December 11, 2008

Post #65

I'm back! I apologize, laziness just overcame me over the past month. =] lol. But I finally got myself to write another entry. So let's see, I think I left off with my birthday. Well, it was pretty good. On my actual birthday I just went out to dinner with my parents and went shopping a little bit. Then the following Tuesday, which we had off for veteran's day, I had a party with my friends. Actually, that was a very busy day, because in the afternoon, one of my friends invited me to go with her youth group to eat lunch at Apple Bee's and then go see High School Musical 3. I went and did that, then went home, and practically went straight to Pizza Hut where my friends and I were meeting. So we ate there and then went back to my house and had cake and stuff, and then we watched the Charlie Brown Christmas. =P (My friends and I just randomly decided to watch that, we're weird like that. lol)

Thanksgiving was pretty good too. My brother came home for a few days, which I guess you could say is both good and bad. haha jk. He's not THAT annoying anymore, since he's finally maturing a bit. =] He's pretty fun to be around now. :D But anyway, our friends came over on Thanksgiving to have dinner with us. So that was pretty fun. Also while my brother was here we drove out to a city about an hour and a half away to go to Famous Dave's, which is a restauraunt that we all like, especially my brother, that we had in Virginia but there isn't one where we live now. So we ate there and also went to Target and JCPenney since it was the after-Thanksgiving sale. And that right there was proof that maturity is finally kicking in for my brother- we went shopping and he didn't pitch a fit about it! LOL

School's been going okay lately. The semester is finally almost over! The bad things about that are 1. I have to start Algebra II next semester, and 2. That means I have to take final exams next week. Let's just hope that guy in my science class doesn't try to pay me to let him cheat off my exam! haha lol. That's one thing I'll be glad to leave behind. :P And luckily I'm going to be able to take peer helping again next semester. Apparently you can sign up to be in it both semesters but I didn't know that at the time I signed up, so originally I was going to have to leave the class after this semester (which would be sooo sad!) but I talked to my counselor and luckily she said she could change my schedule and put peer helping in again for next semester. So now I'll be taking that instead of Spanish 4, which I'll just have to take next year instead. So my schedule for next semester now is honors English 11, Algebra II, peer helping, and Art 1. I was going to replace art instead so that I wouldn't have a big gap between taking Spanish 3 and 4, but there was no way it would work out with my schedule, so I had to replace Spanish instead. Hopefully by next year I won't have forgotten all my Spanish!

And I'm very excited for Christmas! :D We've gotten out all of our decorations now and put up our tree. I think next weekend we're going to see the Nutcracker. It makes me kind of sad watching it since I miss doing it so much when I lived in Virginia, but it's still fun to watch too. :D