Friday, May 22, 2009

The last day of school!

YAAAYYYYY! I'm soooo happy! :D Well actually, the state superintindent decided that we DID have to make up the two days we missed, so we're having school for two days after Memorial Day, but practically everyone is skipping! Yes, that includes me, because I can assure you, we won't be doing anything the slightest bit important. We still had our final exams yesterday and today as we originally were going to. According to the superintindent, we will have school the extra two days to do "enrichment activities." Psh. Yeah, that basically translates to "we're going to sit and twittle our thumbs for two more days so we can get our money." Because the whole reason they decided to make them up was because apparently we'll only get our government funding if we have exactly 180 days of school, and somehow there's a HUGE difference between 180 and 178 days. But yeah, since a lot of people had planned to go on vacation right after school got out, they decided that teachers wouldn't be taking up any grades on those two days, and they'll excuse your absence if you don't come as long as you give them a note from your parents. So yeah, I am so not going, because it would be totally pointless! lol.

And OMG!!!! I am totally in shock right now because I logged onto the website where you can look at your grades, and guess what? I HAVE AN "A" IN MATH!!!!! The only other time in my life that I ever had an A in math was in 6th grade. Other than that, I always got Bs, and even a C in that dreadful geometry class. I had an 87 in my Algebra II class originally, but apparently I made an 86 on my final exam (that's pretty shocking as well) and it made my grade go up to barely a 90, so I just barely made an A! haha. I think when I first saw my grade I just sat here staring at my computer screen with my mouth wide open. I looked quite similar to Kris Allen when he won American Idol.

And omg!!! Speaking of that I am soooo happy that Kris won! I was sure Adam was going to win since everyone was always fawning over him and his screeching, which personally I thought got quite old after he continued to do the same thing week after week. I really wanted Kris to win though, and I even voted for him a few times. ;-) I LOVE him! He was one of my favorites since the beginning. So yeah, I was so happy when he won! YAY!

Well, I guess that's all the news for now. Oh, well my recital was last weekend! It was a lot of fun, as usual. :) Sadly my parents couldn't come to it this year because my brother's college graduation happened to be on the same weekend, so they had to go out to that. So I just stayed with some friends of ours, and they got to be the "recital parents". haha. And some of my friends came to it too so I still had plenty of people to support me. lol. But anyway I did three dances as usual, one for ballet, one for tap, and one for jazz. They all went really well, except my pants started falling down in the tap dance because they were too big! But luckily it wasn't enough for anyone to notice, and I took the opportunity to slyly pull them back up when I was in the back and not as easy to see. lol. But yeah, all the dances went well and it was lots of fun! And I also got the results from my competition auditions yesterday. Well, sadly I didn't make it because they said they had a lot more people try out this year and it was impossible for them to let everyone in. But oh well, I'll still get to do all my regular classes next year, so I'm mantaining a positive attitude. ;-) Besides, if I had gotten in it might have turned out to take up too much time, so maybe it all worked out for the best. haha

Well, that's all for now. Later!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Our first real tornado

Well, it finally happened. For the first time in the 4 years we've lived here, we got a real tornado in our hometown that actually did some damage. But don't panic, no one was injured or anything, so we're all okay. Well, it happened this morning, so I was at school of course, in English class to be exact. We were getting ready to do our debate, which I had kind of been dreading, and hoping that I wouldn't have to talk. We were all given a topic- either whether marijuana should be legal or whether the drinking age should be lowered- and there had to be two teams for each, one for it and one against it. We didn't get to pick either, so we wouldn't necessarily be arguing for what we actually believed. But my group was supposed to be against legalizing marijuana, and we were going to go up against the group that was for it being legalized. But anyway, I've gotten way off topic. haha. Well, we were getting ready to start when our principal came on the intercom and told us that we were in a tornado warning and that we all had to go to our designated areas to take shelter. We were all quite used to this by now. We had had to do this once last year, and once or twice this year. It's been crazy the last couple of weeks, because we've been getting so many storms and there have been a few really minor tornado threats. We've gotten tons of tornado warnings since we've lived here, but usually no one thinks anything of it, because it always turns out to be just a strong thunderstorm, or it is a really small tornado, but it never comes right over our town. But anyway, my class went to the classroom that we always go to if there's a tornado drill or warning. They made sure none of us sat near the windows, but we could still see outside. It was raining really hard and the wind was blowing like crazy. It really was some of the strongest wind I've ever seen. We sat there for about an hour, when our principal finally came back on the intercom and said we could go back to class. By then it was almost the end of 1st block, so SADLY we didn't get to do our debate. ;-) But we still have to do it tomorrow, so I haven't completely gotten out of it. But anyway, I heard that apparently we actually had a tornado right in our town! It did some damage too- trees had fallen everywhere, and even a few houses were slightly damaged, but there haven't been any reports of anyone being injured, so I think everyone is okay at least. I texted my mom during peer helping (our teacher doesn't really care if we text, at least if it's something that's somewhat important, lol) to make sure she was okay, especially since I heard that the tornado had been on a street just a few miles away from my neighborhood! Luckily I got a message back that said, "I am fine." When I got home from school today, my mom said she had talked to my brother (remember, he's a meteorologist, so he's always right on top of these things lol) and apparently the tornado had actually gone over our neighborhood, but thankfully it hadn't actually been on the ground yet! That's such a scary thought though! lol. They have also confirmed that it was an F1 or possibly even an F2 tornado! I'm just glad everyone is okay, and I hope these dumb storms stop pretty soon, because I'm ready for the sun to come back out! lol. Today also happens to be my mom's birthday, and we're going out to dinner and for ice cream tonight, so hopefully we won't have more storms interfering with that.

Well, all this swine flu hysteria is finally calming down a bit. They actually decided to open the elementary schools again today, so they're not actually staying closed for two weeks. They've also finally reopened my dance school, so I'll be able to go back tomorrow. And it's also looking like we won't have to make up the days we missed! So I'm happy about that. :)

Sunday, May 3, 2009


Wow! I can't believe I haven't come here in over a month. I've actually been pretty busy lately, it isn't completely due to laziness this time. ;-)

Well anyway, I don't think much has happened since my last post, which I believe was the post where I ranted more about the DMV for sending us back home because it was raining. Well, obviously since school is still in, I haven't taken my driving test again yet, but I plan on retaking it probably in June. Well, I actually could have taken it one of the days that we were out of school this week (the whole story with that is coming in a minute. lol), but there was a chance that it would *gasp* rain! And it did end up raining Friday I think, plus I wouldn't be surprised if they used the swine flu as an excuse to close down so that they could all just sit and twittle their thumbs and not have to work.

Well, speaking of swine flu, now I'll tell about the whole thing with school. Well, on Wednesday, they found two "probable" cases of swine flu at an elementary school here, so they decided to close that elementary school for a whole week, and close the rest of the schools around here for two days, which was this past Thursday and Friday. And this weekend, they found even more cases at other elementary schools! So now all the elementary schools are closed for 14 days! It's crazy! But since they haven't found any cases in the middle schools or high school, we're all going back tomorrow. Normally we all would have been really happy about missing school, but sadly since the school board people are all so obsessed with getting in the exact amount of school days each year, and for some reason this year they haven't built in any extra days, we're afraid they're going to have us make up the two days we missed. I assumed they'd just make us go two more days after the day that we were suppsed to get out, which is May 22nd, but now some of the parents are complaining that they've already planned to leave for vacation the day that school gets out, and have already made reservations and stuff. So now the school board is really in a sticky situation. I looked at the superintindent's newsletter, and he basically admits that they have no idea what they're going to to do about the missed days. Gee, you think maybe they should have thought of that BEFORE they decided to close school. I really don't know what else they'd do though. Some people have said that we could make them up on Saturdays, but I haven't heard anything about the school board considering that, and I most certainly hope they won't, because my dance recital is supposed to be on May 16th, which is the Saturday after next! My recital is in the evening so I guess going to school wouldn't affect it, but we still have the younger kids performing at the afternoon show! And I'm afraid if they had to cancel that one they wouldn't have the evening show either. Seriously, if the school board makes us do that and ruins the recital, I'll have to find out where they work and go down there and go kung fu on everyone there. But I guess I shouldn't worry too much about that, since the superintindent didn't say anything about that, plus if they did decide to do that, I'm sure they'd be getting tons of complaints from parents since a lot of people have stuff going on on Saturdays. The only other option I can think of that they can do besides adding the days to the end of the year or us going on Saturdays is them just adding extra time on to each school day for a little while until all of the hours make up for the days we missed. As much as it would suck to have to stay at school for 30 minutes or so longer, I think that would at least be better than going on Saturdays or having to go extra days at the end of the year. So we'll just have to see! I also heard that in Texas, the state superintindent decided that they didn't have to make up missed days because the whole swin flu thing had been an "emergency situation." So I'm really hoping that maybe my state can decide that too! Apparently our state superintindent has the authority to decide if we don't have to make them up, so even if the county superintindent wants to make them up, we may not have to. But wow, we've really gotten ourselves into a mess! And we're not even the main problem- the elementary schools are the ones that are going to be closed for two weeks! So I don't know what they'll do about them. Maybe they won't worry as much about the elementary schools since they don't have exams or anything. But yeah, I just really hope they decide we don't have to make up the days- all of us students would be a lot happier, and it would make things a lot less complicated!

But yeah, my last day of school is SUPPOSED to be on May 22nd, but whenever it ends up being, I can't wait! I'll be so glad to get out of Algebra II. haha lol. Ugh, and I have a test in there tomorrow that I was supposed to take Thursday, and now I'm afraid I've forgotten everything since I haven't studied it since then. lol. Oh well, I'll just look over it again tonight. Dance is also going well, although class was canceled Thursday night, and I'm worried that they'll close for a long time now since all the elementary schools are closed and we have plenty of elementary kids at our school. But really, I doubt any of the kids infected go to my dance school, and if they did they obviously wouldn't come to class! And any of the other kids who have been exposed, well, we should know by now if they caught it, so I really don't see why we would have to stay closed. We need to practice, because our recital is in less than two weeks! Last Monday we went to the "big room" for the first time- that means all of the classes go down to the biggest room that we have in the studio, and we all do our recital dances in front of everyone. I guess it's partly to practice in front of other people, and partly to practice with a little more space since we're pretty cramped in most of the other rooms, but we'll have plenty of room on stage. But yeah, that went pretty well, even though I always get really nervous, especially when these two really advanced girls who were in some of my classes at school last year are in there- it's just kind of awkward, when someone who you don't really know, but who still knows who you are, is watching. haha. And I also went to the competition auditions that night. I decided to give it a try because I figured next year will be my last chance to do it if I ever want to. I kind of wanted to do it before but I always chickened out because I was afraid I wouldn't be good enough. But I finally worked up the nerve to give it a try! I still was really nervous and I think I messed up on a few of the combinations they showed us because of it, but I guess I didn't do really bad or anything. lol. So we'll just have to see! I won't find out whether or not I made it until after the recital. But oh well, even if I don't make it, I suppse I won't be any worse off than I am now, because that would mean next year I'd just end up doing the same classes that I'm doing now, which is still fun, so yeah. :)

Well, I guess that's it for now, later!