Sunday, August 19, 2007

I'm back!

Yay! I'm back! At first I created a new account here because I lost my password, but luckily I had it e-mailed back to me, so I can stick with this account. :)
Well, quite a lot has happened. I started school recently. And this is my first year of high school! Well, I was really nervous about starting high school, mostly just because I was afraid I'd get lost. But thankfully, the grades are still pretty much in their own halls like they are in middle school, so my classes are all pretty close together! Now around here, they do something weird. In most school districts, you have A days and B days. You have four of your classes on A days, and then the other 4 on B days. But instead, here we have the same classes every day, but we have 4 of them one semester and then the other 4 next semester. It turned out really weird for me because I got almost all of my core classes this semester, and then next semester all but one of my classes will be electives! So I've been having kind of a lot of homework lately, but I try to just think how easy it's going to be next semester. :)
Well, this semester, I have history, biology, Spanish, and geometry. Next semester I'll have driver's ed/health (driver's ed for half the semester and health the other half), choir, business tech, and English. So far things are going pretty well. History is probably my favorite class. Usually it's my favorite subject. My friend is in that class and my teacher is also very interesting. lol. Biology has been good so far. We had our first test on Friday, and I think I did okay on it. lol. I was kind of worried about Spanish at first because I was afraid I would have trouble learning a foreign language, but I also had my first test in there and it turned out to be really easy! So I'm hoping it will continue to be that way. lol. And then math is the last class of the day. It's been okay so far. It's just that math has never been my best subject, nor have I ever found it interesting. lol. I always end up doing okay though, luckily. :D
Well, it was a pretty fun weekend. Yesterday I went to my friend's house for a pool party (she has a pool in her backyard). It was a lot of fun, but unfortunately I got sunburned like I do 99% of the time I do anything outside in the summer, no matter how much sunscreen I put on. But luckily it's already a lot better than it was last night, so at least it's looking like I'll recover pretty quick. :)