Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Back again

I hate how I keep going months without posting, but oh well, I'm back. So let's see, where did I leave off? Gosh, I was still in high school the last time I wrote. Okay, so I guess that means I should start with graduation, last day of school, and all that. Well, the last day of my senior year was exciting. The sad part was having to leave the peer helpers. That was pretty emotional, all of the seniors leaving that class. I'm hoping to be able to go back and visit them though. And also, the seniors got to do all the fun stuff at the end of the year, like the senior breakfast, and the senior barbecue. The breakfast was especially awesome because we got Chick-fil-A! Gosh, I love that place. Best chicken ever. Haha but anyway, yeah, that was fun, and then we all got out of school earlier than everyone else. I remember the same day as our last day was when I had my dress rehearsal for my recital. My grandma and great-aunt also came into town that day. They stayed with us for a little while so they could come to my recital and graduation. So anyway, the dress rehearsal and recital both went well. As usual, I did three dances, one for each class, ballet, tap and jazz. Ballet this year was "Mozart's Symphony #40, tap was Cha Cha Heels, and jazz was Tainted Love. It was a lot of fun! And a few of my friends came too, which made it even more fun. My friend Shaun even came! He's a really good friend to want to come and sit through a dance recital to see me. haha. A lot better than my brother, who just complained about how long it was back when he'd come to my recitals!

So then of course, there was graduation. I wasn't exactly thrilled about having to get up early in the morning to go to graduation practice. The especially bad thing about the practice was that apparently, besides just having us go through our lineups and find our seats, they also decided that all 700 of us needed to practice walking across the stage. I was just like, "Are you serious? For Pete's sake, we all know how to walk across a stage!" So we were there for what seemed like 5 hours (or maybe it actually was pretty close to might have been 4 hours) while they called every single person's name, and we ALL had to go across the stage like we would later that night. Sheesh. Well, we finally got out of there and when I got home, it was so late that I barely had time to get ready for the actual thing. But I managed to get all ready and get in my cap and gown, and we all went back to the civic center. Since we had to get there a lot earlier than the ceremony started, they just put us all in this big room to wait, but luckily since we were all in there I found some of my friends that I could talk to. Then they finally told us to get in our lines. Then I started getting a little nervous...what if I tripped and fell while I was walking across the stage? What if I messed something up? I know, seems a little silly, but I tend to get nervous about stuff like this, especially if it's in a huge arena with like 2 thousand people. They finally took us out of the room and we went outside and lined up right by the doors that went in the arena. We heard the band starting to play the graduation music and they let us in, and I don't remember exactly how it was done, but we were behind the stage and some curtains and on both sides, two people from the lines walked out, and luckily there were people standing there telling us when to go. So that was at least pretty easy, plus we had practiced earlier. When I finally walked out, I of course felt pretty nervous and awkward, knowing how many people could be looking at me. But at least there was another person next to me and two more people coming out the other side. So I just walked over to the rows where we were going to sit, and kept walking, and then...CRAP, I realized I had walked too far back and passed the row I was supposed to go to. So of course I panicked but tried not to look like anything was wrong since that would only make it more noticeable that I had made a mistake. I just walked back as quickly as I could and looked for my row letter, which was marked on the floor next to all the rows. I found it and just went down the row and quietly squeezed past the people who were already sitting there. I felt like an idiot, but hoped that I hadn't made the whole ordeal too noticeable. At least none of my friends saw, because they all happen to have names at the beginning of the alphabet and were sitting way up ahead of me. None of my teachers saw because they were all sitting down on the floor part with us but were outside of the students, so there were already other people sitting in the rows blocking their view! So, I guess it made me feel a little better that most of the people who saw were just random people sitting up above who didn't even know who I was, and were hopefully focusing their attention more on their own kid. But luckily there were no more disasters after that. We got everybody seated and then the valedictorian and salutatorian did their speeches, the principal did his speech, and they called all 700 of us again to walk across the stage and this time we actually got our diplomas! With my name being towards the end of the alphabet, I had to wait awhile, but I finally did walk across the stage, and thank goodness I didn't trip! lol. So when the ceremony was finally over, my mom took some pictures with my friends, and then me, her, my dad, great-aunt and grandparents all went for a late dinner at Nothing But Noodles (I LOVE THAT PLACE- even more than Chick-fil-A haha). Then we went home and I opened graduation gifts, and we had one of those giant cookies that you can get instead of a cake. So overall it was a great night!

So, my summer was pretty good...I finally got to go back to Virginia, where I used to live to visit! I'd been waiting 5 years to finally get to do this, and I finally got to go back. And what a good time to go back too, right as we were all graduating. So while I was there, I of course visited all my friends, and I stayed with one of my best friends I had there. We went up to our old middle school and visited our old teachers who were still there, which was awesome. It was so much fun seeing them again. With my other friend, we drove around the town and stopped by both my elementary schools. I just looked at the outsides of those though. I was tempted to go inside and see if Mrs. Snow, my favorite teacher from 4th grade, remembered me, but I wasn't so sure she'd know who I was! haha. Also while I was there, I went to downtown Washington DC with my two friends, and I went to their school's prom...for some reason they had prom really late in the year, but it was a good thing! They just get out of school a lot later there than where I live, so I got there right as the seniors were getting out of school. The prom was so much fun. I got to go with all my old classmates, and it was like, how it would have been if I hadn't moved. Since they allow guests at prom as long as you purchase a ticket and have an ID to show, I went, and plus, I still had my dress that I wore to my school's prom, so I took that with me. So that was a lot of fun going to the prom! While the whole experience (dinner, taking pictures, etc.) was good at both proms, I have to say, the actual dance was actually way better at my friend's prom!! Haha. They had a lot better music, and a wider variety. And my own prom they practically played all rap music the whole time, and after awhile I was about ready to just wear earplugs. haha. So yeah, Virginia was awesome! Also this summer, my family went on a small trip to Savannah, Georgia and Charleston, South Carolina. We basically just toured the downtown parts of both places, and also toured this ship that was used in World War 2, and went to a plantation to see a mansion that someone (I forget who lol) lived in in Charleston.

So yep, that was basically the summer! Last week I started my classes at the community college. They're going well! I go to the campus for Intermediate College Algebra (fun, haha, but at least it's not precal or geometry!) and US History. I'm just taking English and music appreciation online. I haven't seen a whole lot of people I knew from high school there, and sadly all of my good friends went off to far-away places already. But I've met one girl in my history class who seems nice, and I actually saw her today during my break between my classes and we both sat at the same table to eat and study, so I wasn't all alone. I like both my teachers that I have. The math teacher is pretty laid back and not too hard, so far. lol. We actually had our first test today and it actually wasn't too hard and I guess I did okay. The history teacher is really easygoing too, and he seems like he'll be pretty easy! I was a little worried about that class because I heard about how some college teachers just lecture and talk really fast and you just have to write everything down. But he actually types up notes in power point and puts that up as he lectures, so it makes things a lot easier. And he doesn't really give homework except for asking us to keep up with reading the textbook, and we'll probably just have one or two reports to do at some point in the semester.

And what I LOVE about college is the freedom! Gosh, it's almost weird having so much freedom now, compared to how they practically treated us like prisoners in high school. I mean, we're actually allowed to just come and go as we please. I have a break between my math and history class that's almost two hours long, and it happens to be right around lunchtime. And I can actually leave the campus and go get lunch somewhere, and come back! Man, I just never could have imagined having such a luxury in high school. lol. We're also allowed to use cell phones in the hallways and lobby...I still don't really do this because I'm so used to not daring to pull out my cell phone in high school because one of the assistant principals was really strict about that and would jump down your throat if he saw you with a phone! lol. Plus I don't really need to use it anyway. And also today, when we had our math test, we were just allowed to leave as soon as we finished the test! Not like in high school, where you had to just "sit and find something quiet to do" all the way until the end of class. lol.

So yeah, everything's going well so far! Maybe I'll be able to update more often now. We'll see. lol

Saturday, May 8, 2010


Yeah, I know I said I was going to start posting regularly again. But I didn't. But, I don't think it's really my fault. School has been pretty crazy and stressful, mostly because of my Algebra 3 class. Ughhhh. Don't get me started on that. The name "Algebra 3" for that class is VERY misleading. I did pretty good in Algebra 1, did REALLY well in Algebra 2 last year (I got a high B the first nine weeks I had it and barely made an A the second nine weeks- it was a MIRACLE). So when choosing my math class for the next year, I thought, "Well, Algebra 3 must just build on 1 and 2. It can't be too hard for me since I did fine in the other two." Wrooooong. Turns out we use the exact same textbook as the pre-calculus classes, and cover a lot of the same material, but just not quite as much of it as they do. It started out not too hard, especially since one of the first chapters we did was stuff I learned in Algebra 2. I was making a B at first. But it just went downhill from there. It just kept getting harder, and the worse I did on each test, the more I would freak out on the next test and have a nervous breakdown from being under so much pressure to do well on it and make my class grade go up. And I'd just keep doing worse. :( Luckily, for the last chapter, instead of having a test, we had a project that we worked on in class, and since I ended up doing okay on that it raised my grade a bit. Now I just have to do well on the last test and on the final exam, and I'll still make a C at least. But hey, even if I failed the class, I don't actually need the credit to graduate. ;) haha jk, I definitely won't fail. But yeah, technically I already had all the math credits I needed, but they just tell you that you should still take a math your senior year, since it will look better to the colleges you apply to, and they say you might struggle more in college math classes if you went a whole year without it in high school. But anyway, I absolutely can't wait to be done with this class. Since seniors get out earlier than everyone else, this will be my last week of school!!!!!! :D I'm SO excited.

But anyway, yeah, I guess I haven't posted since January so I have a lot to catch up on. Well, I already covered how horrible my math class is. And although my AP Psychology class is kind of difficult to have at the same time as this math class since there's a lot of studying required, I've quite enjoyed it. I have the AP test on Tuesday and I'm pretty nervous. I'd really like to do well enough on it to where I can get a college credit though- because psychology is one of the electives I need for that school in California, and it would be nice to get it out of the way now, and that's one less class I have to take in college next year.

Peer helping has been good, of course. That is the one class that I will be so sad to leave- we had some really awesome people in there this semester.

Marine biology is pretty interesting too. Luckily, the tests are REALLY easy and the teacher even lets us use our notes, so that's always nice. :) The great thing about that is if I end up having both a test in there and a math test, I at least don't have to study for the marine bio one and can just focus on the math. The one thing I didn't like was dissecting a shark- I'd much rather learn about the parts of a shark in a diagram, thank you very much! It was pretty gross and kind of sad that they captured and killed all those little baby sharks just for that, when we could just as easily learn the parts of a shark another way. Oh, and my teacher for that class has all these snakes in his classroom. One is named Lucy, and there's a little one named Abbott. So far, I haven't been brave enough to hold them, but I have pet them before. One named Lex ended up getting loose during the night and managed to slither his way down to the library. Needless to say, the next morning the librarian about had a heart attack when she found him. lol.

So yeah, that's school. I'm so excited about finally finishing. Graduation will be on May 20, and my grandma and great-aunt have decided to come for that, and they'll also be here for my dance recital. Speaking of which, I am SOOOOOO excited for the dance recital! It's a week from today, actually. As usual, I'm doing three dances. My ballet dance is Mozart's Symphony #40, jazz is Tainted Love, and tap is Cha Cha Heels. A few of my friends will be coming too. So yeah, I can't wait! This may or may not be my last recital...because since I'll be staying home for one more year to go to community college while I get my general education for California, I might be able to find the time to still take dance. We'll just have to see. I'm hoping I'll be able to because I'll really miss dancing if I can't!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Oh, I do apologize for such a long hiatus from this blog. But, I do kind of have an excuse. Nothing that exciting was really going on for the past three months. Well, except for the fact that I turned 18 in November. Weird, I still don't feel like an adult at all. And I certainly don't feel like I SHOULD be 18 yet. Such a weird feeling. But I had a fun birthday! I went to Olive Garden with my family (they have the most amazing soup, breadsticks, and pizza in the entire world, I swear) and we had cake and stuff back at home. Then the following weekend, I went to this outdoor mall with my two good friends. We had lunch at Red Robin, and then we were supposed to do this boat ride thing that they have there, but sadly they told us that it was too windy to take us out. We still haven't gotten around to rescheduling it, but we'll do it eventually. Since of course they're closed during the winter, we'll have to wait till March or so. But we'll finally get to do it eventually! lol. So instead we just walked around and went shopping that day, lol.

Well, my winter break was good. Boy, was I glad to get out of my government class, and especially British literature. I mean, I love reading, but not when it's a bunch of 500 year old poems that no one can even understand. At least that class wasn't as crazy as when that student teacher had taken over, but it was still pretty darn boring. Pretty much all we did was sit around and read literature and talk about what everything symbolized. And what, I ask, is the importance of knowing that? I doubt when you're getting a job in the future, that they're really going to care whether or not you know what such-and-such symbolized in Beowulf (don't even get me started on that poem). I actually miss my Spanish class, because there were some really cool people in there. During the last few weeks of that class we actually went to one of the elementary schools and taught Spanish to kids there. We just were divided into groups and were all assigned one class to teach. My group taught a 2nd grade class. It was actually a lot of fun- teaching young kids isn't quite as scary and intimidating as giving a presentation to people your own age! So, Spanish 4 was my last Spanish class ever! Of course, they do offer AP Spanish at my school, but I chickened out after hearing about some of the stuff you have to do in there, and figured the colleges would probably be fine with me just having taken up to level 4, since a lot of people don't even go past 2 anyway. But anyway, yeah, I think I got off-topic because I started this paragraph off talking about my break. lol. Well, my family and I had a good Christmas and New Years. We got a "family gift"- a Wii! So far we have two games- Sports Resort and Mario Cart, which are both a lot of fun!

Well, today was my first day back at school. So I have all new classes now, except for peer helping since I signed up to be in there both semesters. My new classes are Algebra 3 with Statistics (oh boy, math), AP Psychology (my first AP class!), and marine biology. Well, I certainly expected my first day back to be pretty uneventful, considering we usually just get our new textbooks, and the teachers just call role and go over everything about the class. But wow, I had no idea what was actually going to happen. And thank GOODNESS no one I know (that I know of) saw me or knew what happened. But I guess I need to start at the beginning.

So, I was doing just fine at the beginning of the day. Well, I actually had a slight car disaster this morning. My brother is still home since he visited over his break from grad school. We moved my car out into the driveway and my brother moved his car to my spot in the garage, so that it would be easier for me to get out of the driveway and not have to worry about hitting my brother's car (lol). And it has been absolutely FREEZING here for the past few days. I went out to my car to find all of the windows completely covered in ice. We didn't have an ice scraper and I had to leave soon or I would be late, so my mom had to bring out a pitcher of warm water and basically dump it on the windshield and all the windows. So eventually we got it fixed and I made it to school okay. I went to my first class, which was Algebra 3. I have the same teacher I had from Algebra 2, which is good, because she was a pretty good teacher, and her teaching method must have worked pretty well for me, considering I made in A in her class, and it was the first A I'd gotten in math since 6th grade. I heard that Algebra 3 just builds on stuff from Algebra 2, so hopefully it won't be too hard. ;) After that I had psychology. I think that will be a pretty interesting class. And the teacher is pretty hilarious so it should be entertaining. :D And my friend has that class with me, which I'm so happy about! We actually met in my choir class in 9th grade, but haven't had a single class together since then. So I'm happy about that! Then I went to peer helping, and that's when the disaster began to unfold. You see, I had been having slight abdominal pain all day, but I took medicine for it this morning before I left school, and took more at the nurse's office once it had been 4 hours and I could take more. It still hurt a little after the medicine, but I figured it would just take a little time for it to start helping, like it always does. Bad idea. Turns out I should have just gone home, but I didn't really have a way of knowing it would get so bad. Well, I got to peer helping, and was starting to not feel so well, but I still wasn't too bad, and figured it could still get better. So I said hi to all my old peer helping buddies that were in there last semester, and also met two new girls who just joined this semester. Then my teacher gave us our first journal question of the semester, and that's when it got bad. Suddenly I felt the worst shot of pain I've ever gotten before. Soon it was gone, but then it would keep coming back. I figured I'd better just go to the nurse now, and maybe if I just laid down for a little while, it would get better. So I told my teacher I just needed to go to the nurse and I'd probably be back soon. Then, as soon as I walked out the door and started walking down the hall, I actually felt SICK. I was getting dizzy and nauseous and wondered how the heck I was going to make it all the way upstairs to the nurse. I started to run into the nearest bathroom, but figured that could be bad if I ended up fainting or something, since no one would know where to find me. So I just ran over to the wall and sat down against it, taking deep breaths and trying to not feel so sick. I felt like I would seriously pass out if I tried to walk any further. Of course, a teacher walked by me and asked if I was okay. I just told him I was having really bad pain and was on my way to the nurse, but just had to sit down for a minute. I decided to try getting up and walking again then, and I was actually able to walk a bit more. I made it to the stairs and the teacher made sure I got up there before he left. Then, when I was literally only about two feet away from the nurse's office, the nausea came back again, and this time I was starting to see black. I thought I was going to pass out any second now and immediately sat down again. One of the counselors saw me and although I was hardly able to speak at this point, I told her I was trying to get to the nurse and she helped me get in there. The nurses let me lay down in one of their little rooms while they called my mom for her to come pick me up (obviously me driving was out of the question). I figured I'd just wait till my mom got there and I'd go home, but the pain was getting worse and worse by the minute. Soon it was so bad that I was literally writhing. Of course, if you know me, I'm about the last person on the planet that wants to make a big scene in a situation like this. But I was in so much pain I could hardly even feel embarrassed. Luckily there were at least no other students in there at the time. One of the nurses saw how much pain I was in and asked if I needed my mom to get there faster. It was so bad now that I knew I had to go to the hospital, no question, so I told the nurse this. I hoped my mom would just get there soon so she could drive me to the hospital, but my house is about 10 minutes away from the school, and I couldn't bear the thought of waiting that long. So, the nurse ended up calling 911 and asked them to send an ambulance. I had left my backpack and stuff back in my class, thinking I was going to go back eventually, but this was obviously out of the question now, so Mr. Seeley, the teacher who helps the main teacher for peer helping, came up and brought me my stuff. Then HE saw how much pain I was in and stayed there until my mom came. It was of course quite embarrassing for him to see me like this, but I felt better not being alone at least. He started talking to me about my winter break, obviously trying to distract me from the pain. In between my shaking and breathing really hard, I managed to tell him about the Wii, going to the mall, and going out to lunch to Famous Dave's. Then my mom and the paramedics finally got there. They loaded me onto a stretcher, and, I guess if we want to put it positively, I got to ride in an ambulance for the very first time! Whoo! The worst part though, was that they had to wheel me right past the main office, where some of the students who are office aides were working. Of course, some of them were gawking at me. I looked at them and thankfully didn't recognize anyone I knew. As the paramedic started asking me some questions in the ambulance, luckily the pain started easing a bit. About halfway through the ride, I started feeling a lot better. Once I got to the hospital I felt almost completely better, but we still had to make sure nothing was wrong with me. At this point I was getting my appetite back, and was starting to get really hungry, since this was about the time I was supposed to eat lunch. But I couldn't eat anything unfortunately, since they were going to give me an ultrasound. The doctor came in and asked me a few questions, and then the nurse took my blood and injected an IV with some pain medication. Too bad they didn't have that back at the nurse- I didn't really need it at his point, but I would have given anything to have it earlier. But, at least now we'd be sure the pain wouldn't come back. It seems like they are required to move in slow motion in the ER, however. All we needed to do was get the ultrasound done, but it took forever for them to actually get me in there. After they finally did, they found nothing wrong with me, but recommended some stronger medication for me if something like this were ever to happen again. Then, of course, it took forever for them to get me signed out and everything. By the time we got out of there, it was about 4:00, and I hadn't eaten anything since about 7:15 in the morning. My parents were going to pick up some food for me on the way home (my mom rode in the ambulance, but my dad came over in his car from work, so that's how we got out of there), but we got out of there so late that it was already close to dinnertime. We decided we'd just go home and get my brother, and go out for an early dinner to celebrate that I was still alive and well, haha. So, we went to Cheeburger Cheeburger, and I can definitely say that I stuffed my face. A cheeseburger and fries had never tasted so good.

So yeah. What I thought was just going to be an uneventful day back at school after a break turned out to be completely chaotic with me being rushed to the ER in an ambulance. Wow. Again, thank goodness no one I know saw me. I really hope word didn't get around school that someone had to be taken in an ambulance. But, I suppose if I hear anyone talking about it tomorrow, I can put on some good acting skills. "Oh, really? Someone had to be taken in an ambulance? I wonder who in the world that might have been!" hahaha. As big as my school is, even if people do know, they won't figure out it was me. :P Well, my peer helping class may know what happened, which will be a little embarrassing, especially considering the two new people who I didn't even know until today. Way to make a first impression. haha jk. At least everyone in there is nice so they should be understanding. I'm still pretty embarrassed about my teacher seeing me, but he was so nice about the whole thing. Gosh, I just hope things return to normal tomorrow! I didn't even get to go to my marine biology class, so I guess I'll see what that's like tomorrow. What horrible timing. Of all days that this could happen, it happened on the first day back after winter break. Well, I guess I'll stop rambling now. Later!