Saturday, May 8, 2010


Yeah, I know I said I was going to start posting regularly again. But I didn't. But, I don't think it's really my fault. School has been pretty crazy and stressful, mostly because of my Algebra 3 class. Ughhhh. Don't get me started on that. The name "Algebra 3" for that class is VERY misleading. I did pretty good in Algebra 1, did REALLY well in Algebra 2 last year (I got a high B the first nine weeks I had it and barely made an A the second nine weeks- it was a MIRACLE). So when choosing my math class for the next year, I thought, "Well, Algebra 3 must just build on 1 and 2. It can't be too hard for me since I did fine in the other two." Wrooooong. Turns out we use the exact same textbook as the pre-calculus classes, and cover a lot of the same material, but just not quite as much of it as they do. It started out not too hard, especially since one of the first chapters we did was stuff I learned in Algebra 2. I was making a B at first. But it just went downhill from there. It just kept getting harder, and the worse I did on each test, the more I would freak out on the next test and have a nervous breakdown from being under so much pressure to do well on it and make my class grade go up. And I'd just keep doing worse. :( Luckily, for the last chapter, instead of having a test, we had a project that we worked on in class, and since I ended up doing okay on that it raised my grade a bit. Now I just have to do well on the last test and on the final exam, and I'll still make a C at least. But hey, even if I failed the class, I don't actually need the credit to graduate. ;) haha jk, I definitely won't fail. But yeah, technically I already had all the math credits I needed, but they just tell you that you should still take a math your senior year, since it will look better to the colleges you apply to, and they say you might struggle more in college math classes if you went a whole year without it in high school. But anyway, I absolutely can't wait to be done with this class. Since seniors get out earlier than everyone else, this will be my last week of school!!!!!! :D I'm SO excited.

But anyway, yeah, I guess I haven't posted since January so I have a lot to catch up on. Well, I already covered how horrible my math class is. And although my AP Psychology class is kind of difficult to have at the same time as this math class since there's a lot of studying required, I've quite enjoyed it. I have the AP test on Tuesday and I'm pretty nervous. I'd really like to do well enough on it to where I can get a college credit though- because psychology is one of the electives I need for that school in California, and it would be nice to get it out of the way now, and that's one less class I have to take in college next year.

Peer helping has been good, of course. That is the one class that I will be so sad to leave- we had some really awesome people in there this semester.

Marine biology is pretty interesting too. Luckily, the tests are REALLY easy and the teacher even lets us use our notes, so that's always nice. :) The great thing about that is if I end up having both a test in there and a math test, I at least don't have to study for the marine bio one and can just focus on the math. The one thing I didn't like was dissecting a shark- I'd much rather learn about the parts of a shark in a diagram, thank you very much! It was pretty gross and kind of sad that they captured and killed all those little baby sharks just for that, when we could just as easily learn the parts of a shark another way. Oh, and my teacher for that class has all these snakes in his classroom. One is named Lucy, and there's a little one named Abbott. So far, I haven't been brave enough to hold them, but I have pet them before. One named Lex ended up getting loose during the night and managed to slither his way down to the library. Needless to say, the next morning the librarian about had a heart attack when she found him. lol.

So yeah, that's school. I'm so excited about finally finishing. Graduation will be on May 20, and my grandma and great-aunt have decided to come for that, and they'll also be here for my dance recital. Speaking of which, I am SOOOOOO excited for the dance recital! It's a week from today, actually. As usual, I'm doing three dances. My ballet dance is Mozart's Symphony #40, jazz is Tainted Love, and tap is Cha Cha Heels. A few of my friends will be coming too. So yeah, I can't wait! This may or may not be my last recital...because since I'll be staying home for one more year to go to community college while I get my general education for California, I might be able to find the time to still take dance. We'll just have to see. I'm hoping I'll be able to because I'll really miss dancing if I can't!

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