Thursday, December 11, 2008

Post #65

I'm back! I apologize, laziness just overcame me over the past month. =] lol. But I finally got myself to write another entry. So let's see, I think I left off with my birthday. Well, it was pretty good. On my actual birthday I just went out to dinner with my parents and went shopping a little bit. Then the following Tuesday, which we had off for veteran's day, I had a party with my friends. Actually, that was a very busy day, because in the afternoon, one of my friends invited me to go with her youth group to eat lunch at Apple Bee's and then go see High School Musical 3. I went and did that, then went home, and practically went straight to Pizza Hut where my friends and I were meeting. So we ate there and then went back to my house and had cake and stuff, and then we watched the Charlie Brown Christmas. =P (My friends and I just randomly decided to watch that, we're weird like that. lol)

Thanksgiving was pretty good too. My brother came home for a few days, which I guess you could say is both good and bad. haha jk. He's not THAT annoying anymore, since he's finally maturing a bit. =] He's pretty fun to be around now. :D But anyway, our friends came over on Thanksgiving to have dinner with us. So that was pretty fun. Also while my brother was here we drove out to a city about an hour and a half away to go to Famous Dave's, which is a restauraunt that we all like, especially my brother, that we had in Virginia but there isn't one where we live now. So we ate there and also went to Target and JCPenney since it was the after-Thanksgiving sale. And that right there was proof that maturity is finally kicking in for my brother- we went shopping and he didn't pitch a fit about it! LOL

School's been going okay lately. The semester is finally almost over! The bad things about that are 1. I have to start Algebra II next semester, and 2. That means I have to take final exams next week. Let's just hope that guy in my science class doesn't try to pay me to let him cheat off my exam! haha lol. That's one thing I'll be glad to leave behind. :P And luckily I'm going to be able to take peer helping again next semester. Apparently you can sign up to be in it both semesters but I didn't know that at the time I signed up, so originally I was going to have to leave the class after this semester (which would be sooo sad!) but I talked to my counselor and luckily she said she could change my schedule and put peer helping in again for next semester. So now I'll be taking that instead of Spanish 4, which I'll just have to take next year instead. So my schedule for next semester now is honors English 11, Algebra II, peer helping, and Art 1. I was going to replace art instead so that I wouldn't have a big gap between taking Spanish 3 and 4, but there was no way it would work out with my schedule, so I had to replace Spanish instead. Hopefully by next year I won't have forgotten all my Spanish!

And I'm very excited for Christmas! :D We've gotten out all of our decorations now and put up our tree. I think next weekend we're going to see the Nutcracker. It makes me kind of sad watching it since I miss doing it so much when I lived in Virginia, but it's still fun to watch too. :D

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Post #64

I know it's been awhile since I've written anything! Again, I've just been kind of lazy. lol. Well, nothing that interesting has really happened since my last post. I had a pretty good Halloween. I actually didn't go trick-or-treating because there was a football game at my school that night and almost everyone wanted to go to that, so my friend that I usually go with went to that. I really can't say that I care too much about football though, so I decided to stay home and hand out candy. lol. But, the Wednesday before Halloween, I went to a Halloween party at my friend's church and we dressed up and everything. So that was fun. :) Also that week, I got to perform a skit with my peer helping class at this event, which was basically about being drug and alcohal free. That went well, and it wasn't that scary because we just performed in a small room in front of a few different groups of people at a time. All the groups were relatively small, so it wasn't like I had to do it in front of 50 thousand people or something, and plus I didn't actually have any lines so I was pretty happy about that. lol

However, tomorrow I have to perform a different skit with my peer helping class. We're having a Veteran's Day assembly, and also, our school is going to start raising money for our local hospital for cancer research. So we're going to have 3 buckets set up in the cafeteria for the next week or so, one for sophomores, one for juniors, and one for seniors. The money you put in will be donated and will help with the research, and at the same time it's going to be a contest between the three grades (I guess that's what they have to do to get everyone motivated to donate money). And apparently if you donate coins and put them in your own grade's bucket, that will count as points for your grade. If you have dollar bills, you're supposed to put it in a different grade's bucket and that will deduct points from them. So as you can see it's all a little complicated, so they decided to get the peer helpers to perform this cutesy little skit at the assembly showing everyone how it works. lol. And this time, I actually have a small speaking part, but luckily all I have to say is, "I'm putting 10 dollars in the sophomore bucket!" so I shouldn't forget my line or anything. lol. What I'm nervous about though is that we'll have to perform it on the big stage in the auditorium in front of tons of people! We're doing it three times, because the assembly will take place three times for each grade. So divide 2,000 (the total number of students in our school) by 3 and that's how many people I'll be perfoming in front of at one time. That's still a lot of people, so that's kinda But hopefully it'll go okay. :)

And my birthday is in 3 days!!! lol. I'm excited, because I'm finally getting an iPod for my birthday. I'm also going to have a party with my friends on Tuesday, since we get that day off from school. I'm still trying to figure out a movie we can go see though! Seriously, the beginning of November is not a good time to have a birthday if you're planning on seeing a movie. I should have either been born a month later in December when all the Christmas movies come out, or in the summer when all the really good ones seem to come out. Oh well, we'll figure something out. lol

Saturday, October 18, 2008


Okay, I'm finally back! I've just kind of been too lazy to write any more entries, but today I finally worked up the energy. lol

Well, my fall break was pretty good. I spent the whole break at my grandparents' house (we left Friday after I got out of school and got back the next week on Sunday evening). I didn't do that much in Florida. But I did get to go shopping with my mom and aunts. That wasn't quite as fun as it usually is because one of my aunts is the kind of person that has to look at literally every store in the whole mall. But it was still okay because I still got to look in some of the stores I like and I got a few long-sleeved shirts for when the weather starts getting cooler.

Then, of course, I had to return to school after we got home. I took the PSAT on Wednesday. It wasn't too hard luckily, but something really irked me. They only gave us 25 minutes to do each section! Okay, seriously, people can't do math if they seriously think we're able to do that in 25 minutes. On the reading, for example, there were 24 or 25 questions in the first section, and they gave us 25 minutes to do that. Meaning we had one minute to answer each question, which normally might be reasonable, but we also had to read the passages that pertained to the questions! So they basically gave us no time to do that. And then the math was the same way- they only gave us a minute to answer each question so we couldn't even work out most of the problems! Now I'm pretty sure the actual SAT isn't timed, and I know this was just practice so the fact that I didn't finish most of the sections probably doesn't matter that much, but still! It was frustrating to not have enough time to finish.

Then my aunt and uncle came to visit (we didn't see them over fall break because they were visiting my dad's parents while we were at my mom's parents' house, so they came to our house for a few days after they left my dad's parents' house). They got here Tuesday and left this morning. My mom let me skip school yesterday so I could spend some time with them (don't worry, I wasn't doing anything important yesterday. :) I didn't have any tests or anything!)

Well, it seems like fall is arriving. Just about a month ago, it was still in the 80s and really humid, but this morning I woke up shivering because I had only worn soffe shorts and a T-shirt to bed, and apparently it was only 50-some degrees outside so the house was a little cooler. Now it's only 67 degrees outside. I guess that's still somewhat warm, but it feels kind of cold after being so used to heat and humidity!

Well, tonight I'm going to another dance at my friend's church. Tonight is also the homecoming dance at my school, so the church is sort of having their own homecoming, I guess. lol. I never really care about homecoming at school since my friends don't usually go, so I decided to just go to the other dance. It's going to be fun! =D

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Almost fall break!

Finally! lol. Tomorrow is my last day before fall break. I just have to get through tomorrow- I have to present my power point in science and take my Spanish test (which my teacher told us had "pre-AP" level questions- that sounds quite scary) and then I'll be free!!!! This will be my last post for awhile, because after I get out of school my parents and I are leaving to go visit my grandparents, and we'll be gone pretty much the whole break. We'll be getting back either Saturday or Sunday of next week. So bye! =D

Monday, September 22, 2008

Post #61

Well, it's yet another week of school. lol. This weekend was so much fun because of the dance and everything, but now it's back to good old school. lol Today wasn't too bad though. It actually went by pretty fast, which was a good thing. :)
Dance tonight was very interesting. I have ballet first, and then I have jazz right after that. We have the same teacher for both classes, but for some reason she couldn't make it to our ballet class so one of the girls from the advanced classes had to come teach our class. She couldn't get her iPod to work so it would play the music, so we ended up having to dance to the only CD that was in the room, which was "Classic Disney Tunes." So that was quite comical, doing pique turns across the floor to "Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah" being sung by Goofy. So yeah, ballet was pretty interesting. lol. Our teacher finally came for our jazz class so that was pretty normal. haha
Well, I better go now so I can finish my Spanish homework and watch another episode of Heroes! Omigosh, I'm totally hooked on that show now because my parents and I have been ordering the first season from Netflix. It's kind of weird and creepy, but that's part of what makes it so suspenseful and addicting. lol. It's really good so far! Actually, I think tonight the third season is premeiring, but since we're a little behind we're just going to continue getting the season 1 DVDs in the mail, and hopefully by next year we'll be caught up and we can watch the episodes as they air on TV. lol Bye for now!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Post #60

Well, I just figured I should probably make a post again since I haven't posted in awhile. :) Not much has really happened since my last post. Well, they did decide to permanently put me in that higher level tap class I was talking about. It's gone really well so far, and I think it's a lot of fun. It's pretty much the same age group as what I was in before, it's just that a lot of the competition dancers are in this class. It's not that much harder than my other class, so I think I'll do okay in this class. :)
Well, I'm excited because tonight I'm going to another dance with my friend Shaun and a few of his other friends! His church has a dance every few months and he always invites us. It's going to be so fun. :D

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Remembering 9/11

Well, as everyone knows, today is the 7-year-anniversary of 9/11, one of the saddest days in American history. I still remember that day very well. I was 9 years old and in 4th grade at the time that it happened. For all of us elementary-schoolers, it was an especially scary day- everything was totally normal, and then all of the sudden our teachers began to act really strange- we saw them all whispering to each other with worried looks on their faces, but they wouldn't tell any of us what was going on. Tons of people were being called down to the office for early dismissal because their parents wanted to come get them. But still, no one would tell us what happened. But we knew something was very wrong. Finally at the end of the day (my parents didn't pick me up, and my mom later told me that she figured I was safer at the school than anywhere else) our principal came on the intercom and told us that something very bad had happened, but that she didn't want to talk about it, so she told us to talk about it with our parents when we got home. I remember that as my neighbor and I were getting off the bus, my neighbor told me that she knew something about what was going on, and that it was something about "murderers and a plane crash" (I have no idea how she figured this out, perhaps she overheard some of the teachers?) so that really worried me. So finally I walked into my house and my parents were watching the news. That's when I saw the footage of one of the planes ramming right into the World Trade Center. I couldn't believe my eyes and I asked my parents what was going on. My mom explained to me how these terrible men from another country who hated us hijaked the planes. That was when I first learned about terrorists. I remember being overcome with sadness thinking of all those people who died, and I felt angry that anyone could be so evil and kill innocent people. Even though I was fortunate enough to have not lost a loved one in any of the crashes, it was still one of the saddest days ever, as it was for most Americans. One thing that we can be very thankful for is that we're very protected now, and we're making sure nothing like this ever happens again. May all the victims of this horrible tradgedy and their families be at peace.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Post #58

Okay, I'm finally back, I know I've been neglecting my blog a bit. Well, things are going a bit better with my family. My aunt's funeral already took place, but unfortunately we couldn't go since we live on practically the other side of the country and I'm in school. My uncle is doing a lot better now, since everything has finally sunk in. My grandma and my other aunt also went out and stayed with him for awhile, and now his stepson has moved in with him so he won't be alone.

Well, school is still going pretty well. Remember that guy in my science class I told you about who tried to pay me one dollar to let him cheat off of my test? Well, he didn't bother me again after that, but today something else happened. He tried to cheat off of me again, and this time, guess what it was that was sooo incredibly hard that he couldn't do it himself? No, it was not a test like last time. But we were working on our notes. My teacher basically typed up, word-for-word, what it said in our textbooks and all we had to do was look in the textbook and fill in a few blanks. So, I finished my notes and apparently, after I got up out of my seat and went over to get my materials to work on my portfolio, the guy took my paper and started copying it. I didn't even realize my paper was gone when I sat back down, but then my teacher walked over to the guy, told him he was getting a zero, and handed my paper to me. Again, all I could do was laugh at how stupid he was being. I mean, HOW could you want to cheat on something so simple? What was really funny was that he got caught again. He claimed last time that he was sneaky, and here he was getting caught for the second time. haha.

Peer helping is also going well. I'm getting to know my classmates a lot better. Right now we're working on a skit that we're going to perform. In October, we're going to an event that's basically about being drug-free, not drinking and driving, etc. I'm kind of nervous about performing the skit, but luckily my teacher won't make us have a big part with a lot of lines if we don't want to talk a lot. lol

Spanish is going well, but I'm kind of worried about our test tomorrow, because my teacher told us that she's going to be picking some of the most difficult questions to put on it (ever since almost everyone got A's the last test we took, our teacher has been convinced that she's not challenging us enough). Also, one of the main things on the test is preterite vs. imperfect (for those of you who haven't had Spanish before, those are two different forms of past-tense verb conjugations). We already learned that in Spanish 2, but that was one of the hardest things we did. I mean, sometimes it's really obvious which verb form you use, but other times it's really hard to tell! So hopefully the test will go okay. Well, at least if it ends up being totally impossible and everyone fails, maybe my teacher will change her mind about challenging us more. ;) Also on Friday, we are going to have to get in small groups and converse with each other and answer discussion questions in Spanish- and the worst thing is that my teacher will give us tape recorders so she can listen to our conversations later! So that's kinda...weird. lol. Well, at least our class will be cut short since we have a pep rally, and then I'll get to see my friends. :)

Also, I don't think I mentioned that dance has started again (or maybe I did...I can't remember. lol). I have ballet and jazz on Mondays, and tap on Tuesdays. I just got an email from my dance school, however, and they said they wanted me to come back tomorrow night and try out the higher level tap class to see if they can move me up. It's really weird, we only have about 7 people enrolled in our tap class and for the past 3 weeks, only about 3-4 people have even been showing up. So I guess that's why they're trying to see if they can move us up, since it looks like we don't have enough people in our class right now. I'm kind of nervous about it, because apparently that class is really huge and a lot of the really good competition dancers are in that might be kind of intimidating but hopefully it'll go okay. :)

Also, please keep my cousin in your prayers, because he is in the army and he was sent to serve in Afganistan, and my aunt just called today and said that he's leaving tomorrow to go out there (he's leaving on 9/11- that's REALLY weird). We all really hope he'll be ok and that he won't have to be out there for long, because as you know, Afganistann is NOT a safe place to be at all. :( So please keep him in your prayers!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

My aunt =(

Well, if you remember from a few months ago, I said how my aunt was diagnosed with lung cancer and she only had a few months left to live. Well, we thought she might make it to the end of this year, but my uncle called my mom last night and told her that my aunt seemed to be on her last leg and would most likely not live more than a day or two. :( I hated sitting through school all day today, because I couldn't stop thinking about what was going on with my aunt, worrying that it had happened and that when I got home from school, my mom was going to be really upset. I finally did get home and my mom told me that my aunt died at about 10:00 this morning. :( It's just so hard to believe that she's really gone. I didn't know her as well as my other aunts and uncles since she lives a lot farther away from them, but I still saw her and talked to her a few times. It's just so strange to think that she's gone and that I'll never see her again. :( It just doesn't seem right, either- she was about the same age as my parents, and that just seems way too young to die. And I feel so awful for my uncle. But my mom told me that he was prepared for this to happen, and that he knows she's much happier and in a much better place now. She's probably with her dad now, who also died of cancer. So please pray for my family. :( My grandma is especially upset about all this. She really hasn't been doing well for the past few months because of what's been going on, and it made her even more sad after my family and I left to go back home after the party, since we cheered her up quite a bit. And now of course, since my aunt is gone, she's probably really not doing well at all. So please pray for her especially. :( We're going back down there to visit her and my grandpa over my fall break, so hopefully that will cheer her up some, plus she's going to stay with my uncle for a little while as well.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Leaving tomorrow

Well, we'll be leaving tomorrow to go to my grandpa's surprise party. We'll have to leave at 7:15 a.m, which normally I would hate, but since that's the exact same time I have to be out waiting for the bus every morning, I guess it doesn't make much of a difference. :) That'll be kind of weird, we might actually pass my bus when we're leaving! We're driving to a city about an hour and a half away and flying out from there instead of the airport here in our city, because that airport was the only one that offered a direct flight to the city that my grandparents live in. So, hopefully the party will be fun! We've done everything we can to keep my grandpa from finding out about the party, and it looks like so far he hasn't suspected anything. =D

Well, school's still going okay. Unfortunately I'm going to have to make up a history test since I'm not going to be at school tomorrow- the test is Monday, but my teacher is giving us our study guides tomorrow and I'll have to get mine on Monday and finish it before I take the test. But luckily it looks like that's the only test I'll have to make up. Also, we're having auditions for the musical this year on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. This year the musical is going to be Footloose. I'm really debating trying out for it. Lauren and Shaun, my two friends, are trying out for it and they keep telling me I should try out too, and now that I've told my mom about it she really wants me to also. I would definitely give it a shot if it wasn't for one little thing. Well, on Monday, they're just going to teach us a dance routine, which obviously, I wouldn't mind at all since I'm a dancer. On Tuesday, however, they require that we sing a song for the director. If it was just in front of the director, I wouldn't really care, but the problem is that you apparently have to sing in front of all the other people auditioning. I already don't think that I sing that well, but I know that when I'm doing it in front of people, I get extremely nervous and sound really bad. lol. You don't have to be able to sing to be in the musical, because they said if you only dance they can just have you be one of the background characters in the chorus and you can just lip-sing. I just wish I didn't have to sing in front of people at the audition! The other thing I'd be slightly worried about is that fact that you hardly have any time to memorize the dance routine. They teach it to you on Monday and then you have to perform it in a group on Wednesday. I usually can't memorize stuff like that in my dance classes in that short amount of time. So I just don't know what I should do. I really would like to be in the musical, especially since my friends are in it. I think that would be a lot of fun. But it's just those two things I'm worried about. I guess I'll just have to think about it and decide by Monday.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Post #55

Well, today was a pretty good day, especially for a Monday. lol. I actually have a short week, because I won't be going to school on Friday. You see, my grandpa is turning 90 this month, and we're having a surprise party for him this Saturday, and my parents and brother and I all have to fly to where all my family lives. So we'll leave Friday and come back Sunday, and that way I won't have to miss more than one day of school. One thing I know I will probably be missing Friday is our first pep rally. I'm pretty sure it's this Friday. I have very mixed feelings about pep rallies. The good thing about them is of course that we get out of class, and I also get to sit with my friends and talk to them. However, there are some downsides to it. Of course, pep rallies are extremely loud and noisy and give you a headache. Also, our school is already overcrowded with just 10th-12th graders. That's the reason that the 9th graders are still in the middle schools. But, since the 9th graders are still supposed to be part of the high school, our school insists on busing in all the 9th graders from the two middle schools, making the gym ten times more crowded. Then, since the pep rallies are at the very end of the day, all the 9th graders have to ride our buses home! The bus area is a total disaster. But anyway, I've gone way off topic, so I'll get back to the point. haha :)
So let's see, the first thing that happened today was quite irritating, but it all ended so funny. Well, we had our first test in science, and it was on the most basic stuff- the scientific method and the metric system, which we have gone over literally every single year since 3rd grade. Our teacher even let us use our study guides as long as we had them completed. Well, right before our teacher passed out the tests, the guy sitting behind me (remember what I said in an earlier post about what the people in this class are like? Well, this guy is one of them) suddenly said to me, "Hey! I didn't study and I don't have my study guide! After you finish your test, can you pass it back to me?" He even tried to bribe me into agreeing to let him cheat off of me and gave me a dollar (come on, if you're going to ask me to do something that big, at least give me 50 bucks! :) But there was no way I was going to let him cheat, since of course I think cheating is wrong, and besides that, how would my teacher not notice if I turned around and passed my test back to him?! So I told him those two things, but he kept insisting that he was sneaky so I would never get caught. But after awhile he finally gave it up and I gave him his dollar back. So, my teacher passed out the tests and I started working. I then noticed my teacher looking in the direction of me and the guy sitting behind me. And my first thought was, "Oh great, he must be trying to look at my paper." I just tried to cover my answers the best I could, and then turned the test in as soon as I was finished. However, I still couldn't relax even after that. The guy then started whispering to me again, this time asking if he could use my study guide since I was done. I told him that our teacher already knew that he didn't finish his and couldn't use it. I really hoped he would shut up because some teachers have really strict rules for talking during tests. Luckily he didn't say anything after that, but I then saw my teacher looking at us again, so I figured he was probably trying to look at my study guide now. I have to say, that was probably one of the easiest tests I've taken in quite awhile, and it's really quite sad that someone would want to cheat on such an easy test. But anyway, when the guy behind me went up to turn his test in, I saw that my teacher was talking to him quietly, and I could have sworn I heard her say something about cheating. I couldn't help but laugh to myself at this guy's stupidity. He actually thought that my teacher wouldn't notice him leaning over and trying to see my paper! What was so funny was how he had claimed that he was "sneaky", and here he was, getting a big goose egg on his 4th grade level science test. But I was a little worried, because if one student lets another student cheat, they get in trouble too, and I just hoped my teacher didn't think that was the case. So after class I made sure. I told her that I wasn't intentionally letting him cheat, and luckily she told me not to worry and that she would never think that I'd do something like that. So yeah, that was science. Ha-ha to that guy for getting caught like he deserved!!! lol.
And then I also had a test in history, but unfortunately we couldn't use our study guides. The thing that was really tormenting me, though, was that on our study guide, there were six essay questions, and our teacher was going to pick just one to put on the test. I had no idea which one he was going to pick, and I only knew how to answer three out of the six. You see, there still aren't enough textbooks for everyone in all of the classes to take home, so our teacher couldn't even assign us books yet, so we only had our notes to study. They were helpful, but they didn't have EVERYTHING. So I couldn't find the answers to the other three essays in the notes. So I just prayed really hard that he wouldn't pick one of those essays. When we got our tests and my teacher finally wrote the essay question up on the board, I breathed a sigh of relief and started singing hallelujah (in my head, of course. lol). He had picked the one that I was really hoping he would put on the test! So yeah, I was really happy about that. I think I did pretty well on the test! So yeah, today was pretty good!

Friday, August 15, 2008

And so school continues...

Well, school continues to go pretty well. I'm finally starting to get used to my new routine. I'm enjoying my classes for the most part, and I like all my teachers. Haha, I should tell about all my teachers, because I don't think I really did in my last post. Well, I don't seem to have any crazy teachers this semester, like the Algebra teacher I had that I talked about in my old posts. But really, I don't think there's any other teacher in the world quite like Mr. Richardson. haha :) But anyway, my science teacher is pretty cool. She's subscribed to this online radio thing, where it has all these radio stations and she turns it on while we're working! I actually like that a lot, it makes working a tad bit more entertaining. :) Her number one rule is to not fall asleep in her class, and she told us that whenever someone falls asleep in her class, she'll go up to them and start drawing smiley faces on their face with her marker until they wake up. But so far, no one has fallen asleep so I haven't gotten to see anyone get drawn on. lol
My history teacher is a guy. This is apparently his first year teaching, so he's really young. And he's not exactly the most unattractive guy on the planet, so on the first day of school as we were all sitting in the classroom and our teacher hadn't come in the room yet, some of the girls were like, "Omigosh our teacher is soooo cute! Heheee!" lol. But yeah, he's nice and he doesn't seem to give a lot of homework, so I like him. :)
My peer helping teacher is of course nice. haha :) She cares a lot about all her students and she keeps telling us that by the end of the semester we're all going to be like one big family. lol. I've already gotten to know a few of my classmates, so maybe we really are on the way to that. lol
And like I said, my Spanish teacher is the same one I had for Spanish 1. I really like her and her method of teaching seems to be what works best for me. She talks to us in Spanish a lot but she's careful not to talk too fast, so I can usually understand her! Because let me just tell you, when I hear a native Spanish speaker talking, I have no clue what they're So yeah...those are my teachers for this semester!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

School has begun

Well, as you know, my first day of school was yesterday. I had the strangest feeling walking into the building on the first day. I was like, "This just isn't right. It can't be time for me to be coming back here already." But it was. Summer just went by in the blink of an eye (haha, that rhymed. :P) But wait, let me start at the beginning. Remember how in my last post I said how I hoped the bus people would cooperate on the first day? Well, unfortunately, they didn't. Well, this was actually my driver that messed up, not the people running the system. But anyhow, I was ready to walk out the door at 7:20, since the bus was supposed to come at 7:25. But what do you know? As I was about to walk out the door, my mom said that she just saw a bus go by out the window. She said that maybe it was the middle school bus, but we didn't have much hope since the middle school bus usually comes a little later. So, I went outside and sure enough, my two neighbors who go to the middle school were still standing at the bus stop. I walked down there and asked them just to make sure, and they said that it had indeed been the high school bus that passed. So, luckily for my mom, she ended up having to take me to school, and then, it ended up taking her so long to get back out of the school parking lot (since our school is so crowded) that she missed her Jazzercize class. Seriously, sometimes I don't know what my bus driver is thinking. She usually does come at the right time, but there were a few other times like this where she came five minutes early.
But anyway, besides that my first day went well. First I went to homeroom, where they gave us all these papers to get signed. I was happy that one of my really good friends ended up being in my homeroom again this year. Since our last names are pretty close alphabetically, we usually end up getting the same homeroom, but somehow last year it didn't work out that way.
My first class was science. This year I'm taking Earth and Space Science, and it seems like it will be pretty interesting. The only problem is that there seem to be quite a few wild hooligans in this class. I hate it when that ends up happening and they put all of those kinds of people in the same class! They don't try to bother me, at least, but the problem is that we're going to have to do some group assignments in this class. Hopefully my teacher won't pair me with any of them!
My next class was history. There wasn't really anyone I knew in there, but luckily the people in there seem pretty tame. lol. But anyway, I'm hoping this history class will be easy for me, because I'm taking Modern US History, which I took in 7th grade back in my former home.
And then I had peer helping! Of course, since it's a peer helping class, the people in there are nice. lol. I actually met three girls on the first day! Well, we actually did the same thing in that class both yesterday and today. We all went down to the cafeteria and stayed in there for all four lunch periods. We all sat at tables with either people's lunch numbers or bus numbers, and anyone who needed them could come ask us and we wrote it down for them. Our teacher let us eat during the 3rd lunch period even though we're normally going to have 4th lunch, and we got to sit at our own table and we had signs that said, "Welcome new students" so any new students could sit there, but hardly anyone did. lol. So yeah...that was pretty fun. lol.
And then my last class was Spanish. I have the same teacher that I had for Spanish 1. I'm really glad about that. I liked my Spanish 2 teacher too, but I seemed to learn the best with this teacher that I have now. Well, that class is going okay so far. Luckily we're going to review some stuff we already learned before we start the supposedly really hard stuff. lol.
So yeah, that's school so far!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

The last day of summer! :( ::tears::

Ahh, I can't believe this is already my last day of summer break. I mean, it seems like just a few weeks ago that I got out on May 22nd! It's already August 5th! It is really nice to get out of school in May, but let me tell you, going back when it is barely August, to put it nicely, sucks. lol. But, this was a pretty good summer at least, even if it did go by way too fast. I'm trying to make the most of my last day of summer. I went to lunch at Chili's earlier with my mom and her friends. This is the last time I'll be doing that for awhile.

Well, I guess I'm not really THAT nervous about tomorrow. Just sad that I have to go back. I don't really have anything to worry about, at least for the first day. I just hope that some of my friends will be in my classes. But, if I don't end up getting so lucky there, I'll still get to see them at least. Every morning before the bell rings to dismiss us to class, we meet in the same area in the hallway and talk.

Now, one thing I'm a bit worried about is the bus. Let's just hope those darned bus people won't decide to pull any shenanigans for the first day of school. I'm hoping that my bus driver will come at the same time that she did last year. Of course, they never gave us a bus schedule or anything when we went to our schedule pick-up, so we can't know for sure. But what's the fun of it if you actually know what's going on? lol. Of course we can't actually have anything organized. Okay lol, I'll stop ranting about the buses now. I'll just hope everything runs smoothly tomorrow. lol

Friday, August 1, 2008

Post #52

Ahh...well, remember how I was saying at the beginning of the summer how nice it is to get out of school so early? Yep, it's really nice. But now, it's not so nice because I already have to go back to school on August 6th, which is this Wednesday. Why does summer have to go by so fast? I am just trying to make the most of my last days of summer. The only thing I really have to look forward to on Wednesday is seeing my friends. At least that part will be nice. And about two or three weeks after school starts, I'll start dance again, so that'll be good. :)

Well, last week my friend and I went up to our school to pick up our schedules. They didn't have a very efficient way of giving out schedules, though. My friend and I got there as early as they would let us come so that it wouldn't be extremely crowded, but apparently everyone else had the same idea as us. So it turns out we should have just gone later! lol. My friend and I walked into the gym where we were supposed to go and this lady handed both of us numbers. My friend was number 335 and I was 336. We weren't sure exactly what these numbers were for, but after we had been standing in the gym for awhile we figured it out. A man announced, "numbers 80-100, you may now go to get your schedules." Of course, my heart sank. They were only on number 80 and I was 336! So yeah, that was lots of fun waiting. I did see a lot people that I haven't seen all summer. Some of them I was glad to see, and others...well, not so much. lol. I passed some guys in the hallway that were wrestling each other and acting all crazy and obnoxious and I said to my friend, "Oh, haven't you missed that so much?" lol. But anyway, after what seemed like 5 hours, my friend and I were finally called to get our schedules. Getting our schedules really turned out to be kind of pointless, because they didn't even list our teachers or room numbers (they always give us another copy of the schedules on the first day of school, so I guess that's when we'll find these things out). But at least I know when I have all my classes. For the first semester I have Earth & Space Science, Modern US History, Peer Helping, and Spanish 3. The second semester, I have English, Algebra 2, Spanish 4, and art. I think I might at least enjoy this year a little bit more since I had more of a say in what classes I'm taking- last year there were a lot of required classes that I had to take. I am a little nervous about Spanish, because I heard that Spanish 3 is supposed to be really hard, but my mom keeps saying I can do it because I'm good at Spanish. I guess she's right, it's just that I hope I can continue to keep picking it up well even as it gets really hard. I wasn't sure about taking the higher level Spanish classes, but (no offense to my school) they really don't offer many good electives. I really couldn't think of anything else I wanted to take! lol. Seriously, they have some of the weirdest electives- we seriously have a basket weaving class. I know, a lot of people use "basket weaving" as a joke, but I swear I'm not joking, we seriously have that as a class. =P

Well, I have to go now because we're heading over to the movie theater again soon! My dad really wants to see The Dark Knight, and my mom and I would like to see it too. I thought I should probably see the first Batman movie before this one, but my friend told me she hasn't seen that one yet but she still understood the new one. So I guess we'll still enjoy it. :) I did hear that it's really intense so hopefully it won't be too scary. =) lol. I'm excited though, because I'm sure it's going to be great! :D

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Post #51

I haven't really done anything today, but I just thought I'd post again. :) All I did today was go grocery shopping with my mom. Fun. lol. My mom is a bit irritated with the commissary, however. (The commissary is a grocery store on military bases- we've always gone there since my dad was in the Air Force). There were at least 5 things that were on our list that they didn't have at the commissary. But oh well, at least we can just get those few things at another store.

Well, tomorrow is going to be a much more fun day, because I'm going with my mom and her friends to see Mamma Mia, and afterwards we'll eat lunch at Red Robin. There is one little thing I may have to worry about, however, because at first I thought my mom was joking when she said that she and her friends would dance and sing along to the Abba songs in the movie, but today she went on the internet, found the lyrics to every Abba song, and printed out copies for everyone so they could sing along. That will be kind of embarrassing if they really do that in the theater. lol. Oh well, maybe some other people there will be doing the same thing! lol.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Post #50

Well, today my mom and I were invited to tea. Haha. :) Interesting, I know. My mom's friend invited my mom and I and her two other friends to her house and we had sandwiches and cookies and stuff. It wasn't really tea for most of us, because it turned out most of us didn't even like tea. lol. I had lemonade instead. :) I was really glad I didn't have to drink tea, because I am NOT a tea drinker. lol. There were even peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for the picky eaters (me and one of the other lady's daughter). So it was nice. :)

Well, I'm excited because our newest Netflix DVD came in the mail so I'm finally going to get to watch Taken. It's a mini-series though so it's going to take awhile to see the whole thing because they only send one disc at a time. But after I see all of it, I will have finally officially seen all of Dakota Fanning's movies (well, this isn't really a movie but still)! I have seen all of her actual movies but I could never find a place to rent Taken, but luckily Netflix has it! So yay! I heard that this was supposed to be one of Dakota's best performances. :) And besides, it's a sci-fi mini-series so it should be pretty interesting. :)

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Post #49

Well, first, here's an update about how things are going with my aunt. Well, at first she was feeling really bad all the time and my uncle was kind of having a hard time accepting what's most likely going to happen. But things have gotten a lot better for them. My aunt is on a new kind of treatment and she says she feels great now. She and my uncle are spending as much time as they can together, and my uncle might even take her to Hawaii since she's always wanted to go there. So even though it's really unfortunate that this happened and we all wish it didn't have to turn out like this, my aunt and uncle are at least doing much better and they are much happier.

Well, I'm going to try to really hurry to finish typing because there is a major thunderstorm right now and I'm worried that the power will go out and shut my computer down any minute now. Well, yesterday I finally got my hair cut! I grew it out really long for the third time to donate to Locks of Love, only this time the stylist told me there's another organization that takes donations and you don't have to cut off quite as much hair for them, so I'm giving it to them this time. So I cut off 8 inches instead of 10. It was really long before, but now it's just below my shoulders. I kind of miss my hair but at least I cut it for a good cause, and my hair is waaaay easier to take care of now. :)

Friday, July 11, 2008

Post #48

Well, we're back from Yellowstone now! We got home pretty late on Saturday night. But I'll start at the beginning. :)

Well, we left the Saturday before that, which I believe was June 28th. We got to the airport at around 7:00 in the morning, since our flight was supposed to leave around 8. My parents went up to the moniter to print our boarding passes, and my brother and I noticed that they didn't look happy. It turned out that they had completely changed our flights, because originally we were going to fly from our home to Atlanta, and then all the way to Bozeman, Montana. But our flights had been changed to where we had to fly from Atlanta to Salt Lake City and THEN to Bozeman. Not only that, but now our first flight wasn't even going to leave until 9, so we were there an hour early. So, we had to go up and talk to one of the people, and they told us that they didn't think there would be enough time in Atlanta for us to catch our next plane, so they changed it. But no one even bothered to notify us! My dad had even mentioned when we first bought the tickets that he didn't think there was that much time in between flights, but back then they had insisted that it was fine. So let's just say my parents were pretty mad at Delta airlines. lol.
But anyway, we had to hang out at the airport for a whole hour since we were there early, and there was not point in going back home. We finally did board our plane, but those darned people not only changed our flight, they put us in the very back! I discovered that the back seats had no windows, so I didn't even get to look out the window. What I really hated about it was that the plane ride was kind of bumpy, and for some reason it felt really scary to me since I couldn't see anything out the window. lol. I will admit that although I am pretty much fine with flying, I can still get a bit apprehensive during take-off and landing, especially when my brother is sitting next to me telling me about every plane crash that ever occurred in history just to scare me. But I always remind myself that statistics show you're safer in a plane than you are in a car. But anyway, luckily that wasn't a long flight, so we made it to Atlanta and then boarded the plane to Salt Lake City. That was a really long flight, so that got kind of boring, but luckily the next flight to Bozeman only took about an hour. So we were finally there, only a little bit later than we had hoped because of our flight mishap. By that time it was time to eat dinner, so we looked in this directory thing they gave us and looked up all the restaurants, and discovered they had a Famous Dave's! We used to go there all the time in our former home, but there isn't one in the place we live now. So we went there for dinner, and then drove a rental car the rest of the way to West Yellowstone.

So on our first day at Yellowstone, I think we pretty much just drove into the park and looked around. We went really high up in the mountains where there was still snow on the ground! It was weird, it was about 70 degrees but there had been so much snow there in the winter and spring that it still hadn't melted yet! We saw some animals that day too, I think some elk and a lot of buffalo.
Then the next day, we pretty much did the same thing but went to some different places. We saw a lot of the waterfalls and stuff.
The third day, we drove a pretty long way- we drove all the way into Idaho to go to this place called Bear World, where they had habitats for bears. We got to drive through and see all the bears. Then later we went to see the Tetons since they were near there, which were amazing. We also walked around the town Jackson a little bit (which is in Wyoming), which was cool. It was a normal town but there was a part of it with old western-style buildings. We ate dinner at a pizza place there that was apparently famous because Bill Clinton and his family actually ate there one time. So that was interesting. lol
Then the next day, we went to Old Faithful. We walked around and looked at the pools, which were really cool. The water in them was so blue! We had to go back later to see Old Faithful erupt, because as you know, it only erupts every 90 minutes or so and we didn't get there at the right time. But we did finally get to see it. :)
The next day, my dad and I went horseback riding in West Yellowstone. My mom decided not to go because it made her so sore the last time we went (lol), and my brother also decided not to , because I think he's secretly scared to try it. :P Well, my mom did come with us so she could take pictures, but she stayed in the car while we rode. Well, that turned out to be quite an adventure, because I ended up getting the most stubborn horse on the ranch, who was named Buck. Well, apparently Buck didn't enjoy going on trail rides so much, because before I got on him, the guide warned me that he tends to just stop in the middle of the ride when he gets tired, so I would have to give him a good kick to keep him going. So we all got on our horses, and they all started lining up to go on the ride, only Buck wouldn't budge. Soon all of the horses were in line and starting to leave, and no matter what I did, Buck just wasn't going to move. Finally one of the guys that worked there saw me and got him to go. That was kind of embarrassing because the rest of the group had to stop and wait for me, and everyone was kind of looking back at me. lol. So finally Buck and I caught up with the others and continued on our way. As we went on, I was really surprised when I realized we were actually going up a mountain! I had never been on a horseback ride where we went uphill and downhill. So the horses all started up the mountain. Then, before I knew what was happening, Buck started galloping at full speed!! I had never been on a horse that galloped before, and I knew they weren't supposed to do that- Buck just wasn't behaving that day apparently. :) But anyway, I was pretty terrified for a split second, but I just held on really tightly to the reins and I leaned forward like you were supposed to do when you were going uphill. He ran only for about 5 seconds and then thankfully he slowed down. The girl in front of me saw what happened and just looked at me with huge eyes and asked if I was okay. Luckily I was, I had managed not to fall off or anything. lol. Finally we got to the top and we were riding on flat land again. I wouldn't mind so much if Buck decided to run again now that we weren't going up a mountain. lol. But still, I hoped he wasn't going to pull that again. Luckily he only started running again one other time, and again it was only for a few seconds. He did, however, stop a few times, but after I gave him a little kick in the side he started going again. Sometimes he would look back at me with these sad eyes as if to say, "Do I HAVE to keep going?" The part that made me the most nervous was when we went back down the mountain. I just prayed really hard that Buck wouldn't decide to start running downhill. But I figured he was probably smart enough to not do that, and luckily he was. :) So we finally got back to the place we had started, and of course I had to tell my mom about my adventurous ride up the mountain. The guide that went with us apologized for Buck's behavior (lol), but we told them it was okay. I mean, now I can tell people that I've actually been on a galloping horse! lol.
Later that day, we went to Mammoth Hot Springs, where the limestone terraces are. That was really cool too.
Then, the last day we were there was the 4th of July. We didn't really go and do anything that day, because we'd seen everything, so we pretty much just stayed at our motel and I read most of my summer reading book. So at least I got that out of the way. :) Then in the evening, they had fireworks in West Yellowstone, so we all went into town to see those. Unfortunately, there were no cops around so a bunch of people there had illegal fireworks. I couldn't believe how inconsiderate they were! They just sat there launching their fireworks where a bunch of people were! There were some people standing literally right next to them. Luckily we weren't that close to anyone who was doing that, but I was still kind of freaking out since I could see some people a few yards in front of us launching them. I mean, if anything went wrong...well, that would have been bad. But finally, a cop did show up. I practically laughed hysterically when the people in front of us got busted. Luckily the cop stayed there so they didn't do it again. So finally the show started. It was pretty cool. I mean, I guess it was like any other fireworks show I've been to, but it's always fun to see fireworks for the 4th of July. :)
So we left the next day, but this time we didn't have an early flight, so we started heading over to Bozeman at about 10 in the morning. We got there at lunchtime and discovered that they also had a Fudrucker's there! I was so happy, because that's another place I haven't been since I moved. So we ate there and then went to the airport. This time they actually didn't change our flights, so we flew from Bozeman all the way to Atlanta. That was a pretty long flight, but I read more of my book during that flight. By the time we got to Atlanta, ate something in the airport, and got on our plane to go home, it was pretty much dark so we got to take off and see all the lights in Atlanta. It's really cool to fly at night like that if you're in a big city. But anyway, as we started nearing our home, we saw lightning! So the plane ride became a bit turbulent, even though we were flying around the storm and not through it. Of course, my brother had to start trying to scare me again, saying things like, "Wow, look how close that lightning is!" or "Omg! We're gonna crash!" Luckily, I was able to laugh it off and not get too scared, since I knew we weren't going to fly right into the storm or anything. It was scary and fun at the same time! The plane bobbed around quite a bit, but we still managed to make it back in one piece. :) So it was really late by the time we got back, about 10:30. So basically, I went home, checked my e-mail really fast, and then went to bed since I was so tired. So yeah, that was basically my trip! It was a lot of fun, and as you can see from how incredibly long this post is, we did a lot of stuff and a lot happened!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Post #47

I finally got to go to the Carrie Underwood concert! It was awesome! My friend came with my parents and me. It was a lot of fun, except a few people sitting around us had a bit too much beer, and the very intoxicated girl sitting next to my friend started dancing around and spilled a whole cup of beer on my friend. Nice. And seriously, what's the point of going to a concert if you're going to get so drunk that you won't even remember it? That's just one of the reasons that they shouldn't sell beer at concerts- people get drunk and disturb the people around them. And what's really scary is that those people will be driving home afterwards.
But anyway, besides that incident, the concert was awesome. A guy named Jason Michael Carroll was the opening act. I hadn't heard of him before, but I recognized one of the songs he sang, "Alyssa Lies." I had heard that song before but I never knew who the singer was until now. And then Carrie came out! She started with her song "Flat on the Floor". She sang a few songs from both of her albums. She sounded awesome live. It was really cool because we were pretty close to the stage. She even kind of waved at me! lol. Well, not to me specifically, but me and a few other people sitting around me waved to her and she waved at all of us. :) It was awesome!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Post #46

Well, again, not too much going on. lol. My dad has been gone all week for a business trip, so it's been just me and my mom (and Oscar. lol). My mom and I finally went to see Narnia. We both thought it was really good! It was a lot darker than the first one, but still very good. :) We went to lunch again with my mom's friends. It's almost becoming a weekly thing to go to lunch with them. lol. This time we went to a place called Nothing But Noodles, which I really liked.

Well, it's getting pretty close to the Carrie Underwood concert! I'm excited. :) And then after that, I'll probably be seeing another movie- Kung Fu Panda. lol :P My mom's friend is going with her daughter and then one of her other friends decided to go along too, so they invited me. So I just thought, sure, why not, at least it'll give me something to do. Besides, I love pandas! lol. And then after that, we're going to Yellowstone!

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Post #45

Well, sadly, it looks as if there's not much hope anymore of me being able to fly back to where I used to live. :( My mom's friend was lucky and was able to get a cheap plane ticket recently, but with prices skyrocketing so fast now, it's not looking like we're going to be able to find a ticket that's cheap enough. :( Argh! Why does flying have to be so darned expensive now? It's just like the gas prices that are practically up to 4 dollars a gallon now.
Well, Dakota Fanning attended a new event yesterday, so here are the pics if you want to see:
Can you believe how much she's grown up? She looks so much older. One thing I noticed about her though that I like is that she doesn't overdo it trying to look older, if you know what I mean. A lot of other celebrities her age (and most regular everyday girls too) practically look like clowns because they wear so much makeup, trying to look like they're 25. I like how Dakota just looks natural. :)
Well, not much has been going on (as usual. lol). Today my mom and I went to Target to buy a few things we needed, and also looked at clothes at Ross and Goody's. I FINALLY found a pair of plaid shorts! Because usually, the shorts in the juniors' section are so darned short and skimpy that they would practically be small enough for a 5 year old to wear, and there's no way I'm going to dress like that. It's ridiculous. But I did finally find a pair at Goody's. They were actually the longer Bermuda shorts though. I really like them. :)
Well, I guess that's all for now. Later!

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Post #44

Well, the rain has finally stopped. I'm pretty happy about that. Since the rain has stopped, however, it has gotten extremely hot. That's the only downside to it. It's almost 90 degrees outside right now. But at least the sun is back out so I'm still pretty happy. =]
Well, I haven't done much the last few days. I went to lunch with my mom's two friends on Thursday. We ate at a Mexican restaurant. I cannot say that I am a fan of Mexican food, but thanks to my size, I can usually get away with ordering chicken fingers off of the kids' menu without anyone questioning my age. hehe. :P Plus one of my mom's friends brought her daughter (who is a little bit younger than me) and she ordered off the kids' menu too. Afterwards my mom and I went to Ross and we bought a dress for me to wear to my grandpa's 90th birthday party in August. :) I really like it. :P
I've done basically nothing today, but there are some exciting things coming up. We found out that I will probably be able to go back to my former home and see my friends again. :D My mom found out that she can probably get a really cheap plane ticket for me, so I'm really excited. :D And, it turns out we're going to another concert! It was completely random though how we decided to go. My mom's friend told us that she was going to see Carrie Underwood, and originally we were going to go along, but it turned out that that was taking place a week that my dad was going to be gone for business. And my dad said he'd like to see her too, so we decided that we would just go to a different concert. And my friend will be coming along too. :D It's going to be lots of fun. :D

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Post #43

Ahh. Today has been so boring. lol. It was raining and cloudy all day. I HATE when it's like that! lol. I really hope the sun comes back out tomorrow. But yeah, I've basically been sitting around the house all day. There's really no point in me even writing this journal entry because all I'm doing is complaining about how bored I am. But I just thought I'd write this so I'd have something to do. hehe. :P
But, I will say that I saw Indiana Jones yesterday and it was great!!! Haha, I would have gone and seen it all over again today to give me something to do. Okay, I'll stop complaining about how boring today was and hopefully tomorrow will be more fun. lol.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Post #42

Well, the first few days of my summer have been quite nice. :) Except for the fact that it's gotten extremely hot! lol. We went to a barbecue at our friends' house the other day and as much as I enjoy eating hamburgers and hot dogs and talking to our friends, sitting outside wasn't exactly the most pleasant thing. But we still had fun. :D Then later that night, I went to a Taylor Swift concert!!!! I LOVE her music. lol. My friend and her mom and sister came with us. It was so much fun! Even though it was outside, luckily it was in the evening, so it wasn't blazing hot by then. But yeah, I really enjoyed it. :) She played all of her songs from her album except for "Tied Together With a Smile" and "Cold As You". But luckily she still played all of my favorites. :P
Well, we're not doing much today, except we're going to see a movie. :P We're either going to see Narnia or Indiana Jones (I really want to see both!). But my mom said that my dad would probably rather see Indiana Jones, so that's probably what we'll see today and then when my dad goes out of town for business, my mom and I will go see Narnia. :)

Friday, May 23, 2008

Post #41

Well, I'm afraid things with my aunt have turned out pretty bad. :( The doctors said that the cancer (which is lung cancer, by the way) has basically spread around her entire body and she most likely will not get better. They are going to give her chemo for as long as they can, but they think she basically only has a few months left. :( Like I said before, I never knew this aunt of mine very well, but it's still really sad, and it's going to be really hard on my uncle and all of the people in my family who are really close to her. So prayers would be appreciated.
Well, at least a few good things are happening. I did finally finish school on Thursday! I can't even describe how good it feels to have it all over and done with. And also, I watched the American Idol finale on Wednesday. :) I really didn't have a preference for who won. I love both the Davids so much, so there was no way I could choose between them. lol. But I'm really happy for David Cook. :) And I'm sure David Archuleta is going to do just as well. The runner-up almost always gets to make a CD too. :)

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Post #40

My recital was last night!!!! lol. It was so much fun! My parents came to see me, of course, and also my friend and her family came because my friend's sister takes jazz. Well, I didn't tell about the dress rehearsal, so I'll start out with that.
Well, the dances went okay at the dress rehearsal. lol. My first dance was jazz, and it was the 11th dance in the first act. It turned out that I had to wait a loooong time though to go onstage, because when I arrived, they apparently were running behind and were still trying to finish up with the matinee show (we have three different performances- the preschool aged kids perform in the morning, the kids who are a little older perform at the matinee show, and then the older kids perform at the evening show). But luckily, I had a few people to talk to from my class while we were waiting. Finally we did get to go onstage, and I was really nervous. The jazz dance was definitely the most challenging dance I had this year. lol. But it went okay, even though I messed up a little on one part. Then I had to wait a long time again, because my tap dance wasn't until the second act. But that went well too. And then...the ballet. lol. Not that *I* thought we did that bad though. You see, I haven't told you about my ballet teacher in very much detail, but let's just say she is verrryyy strict and takes ballet a bit more seriously than she should. For example, she always makes us wear our hair in buns to class, even though the school policy says that as long as it is up and out of our face, it doesn't matter whether its a bun or ponytail. Also, if we were ever late to her class, even just a few minutes, she would make us stand in the center of the room and do our barre work there without a barre to hold on to. She didn't seem to understand that it was quite difficult for us to get to class, which started at 4:30, when most of us don't get home from school till 4:00. When we practiced our recital dance, it was almost as if the yelling of "Moooooove!" and "Goooooooo!" and "Keep your legs straight!" were incorporated into the music we were dancing to. She apparently has studied ballet in Russia, Paris, and London. No wonder she takes it so seriously. lol. I just wonder what brought her to our loosy-goosy dance school.  I will give it to her though, the dance was really pretty. But anyway, back to the dress rehearsal. We all got onstage, and as the music started, we could see our teacher standing at the side of the stage, watching our every move. Of course, we had to pass around that darned rose, so we had to concentrate on both that and the steps. It turned out that our teacher not only was standing at the side of the stage watching, but she also began yelling out all of those familiar commands that we had heard every week in class. Needless to say, everyone out in the audience looked a bit stunned. Of course, her yelling only distracted us more, so when we got in our line to do our turns, we got quite a bit out of line, and then at the end when we were supposed to run into a circle, we apparently were not in the center of the stage, for our teacher made that quite apparent. So it ended and we finally ran offstage, and we couldn't help but laugh at how insane our teacher was. We were all in the backstage hallway, going back to the dressing rooms, when our teacher came into the hall from the other stage door. Some people actually ran into the dressing rooms and hid from her! lol. Me and one other girl were still trying to get to the dressing room, and our teacher walked right past us! We both just looked at her nervously, but she didn't say anything, she just gave us an icy stare and walked off. So...yeah, that was dress rehearsal! lol.
Well, the next day was recital! I had to arrive 2 hours early, because we have this awards show before the performance for people who have been dancing for 5 or more years, and it is a DISASTER trying to get everyone lined up in the right order backstage. So, this year I got a trophy for 9 years.  Then, 30 minutes before the show, me and everyone else in my ballet class had to meet in a rehearsal room with our teacher because she made a mandatory warm-up for her class (that just figures. lol) She actually didn't say anything about the night before, so I guess she was over it. And then, the show finally started! I went onstage for my jazz dance, and it was awesome! I don't think I really messed up at all. And the same went for the tap dance. :) And then was the ballet dance. lol. Well, this time, our teacher had to control herself and stay backstage and not say a word, so needless to say, we did much better. Our lines were nice and straight and I think we pretty much found the center of the stage. :) Someone did apparently drop the rose once, but my parents and my friend all said afterwards that they hadn't noticed, so I guess it wasn't too noticeable. :) And we couldn't believe it- after we finished and went into the backstage hall, our teacher came out and told us that we were gorgeous!!! Everyone clapped since she finally gave us a compliment. lol. Then it was pretty emotional, because there are a lot of seniors in my ballet class and that was our last dance, so a lot of them were crying after we finished.
Well, after the show I saw my friend and she gave me a huge hug and told me that I did great about 10 times, so that made me feel pretty good- I guess I did really good! lol. Then my parents and I went and got ice cream on our way home. It was an awesome night! I'm sad now that the recital is all over, but at least I've got two more years to do them. :)
WHOOOOOO! This week is my last week of school! lol. Actually Thursday is my last day instead of Friday. And both Wednesday and Thursday are only half days. So I'm happy! Soon I'm going to be free!!!!!

Friday, May 16, 2008

Post #39

Well, I don't have time to write very much, because I have to start getting ready soon. My dress rehearsal for my dance recital is tonight! :D I'm excited. :) I'm always a little nervous, especially when I'm about to go on stage for my first dance. I'm always thinking, "Ahh, I haven't done this in a whole year." lol. But it's a lot of fun too. :) Well, I better get going now. Later!

Friday, May 9, 2008

Post #38

Unfortunately, my uncle called my mom today with some bad news. My aunt has been diagnosed with cancer. I actually don't know this aunt very well since they live at the opposite end of the country, and I've only seen her a few times, but we're still pretty worried. :( They're not sure how bad it is yet, so hopefully it's not really bad and they can cure it easily.
Well, I sure am glad it's Friday. This week went by so slow! Actually, we got out of school early yesterday because of tornado threats, although as usual, nothing happened except a few strong thunderstorms. But it sure was nice getting out of school. :)
I can't believe my dance recital is next week! I'm really excited, but a little nervous. lol. In my ballet dance, my teacher got this great idea to have us use a prop. A girl in my class starts out holding a rose (an artificial one, of course) and throughout the dance, it gets passed around to everyone. It's actually pretty hard to hold something and concentrate on the dance steps at the same time. But hopefully no one will mess up. :) It's actually a really pretty dance. We're dancing to the song "Time" by Billy Porter. Then for my jazz dance we're dancing to "Let's Get Loud" by Jennifer Lopez. That one's really fun, even though it was really hard at first since our teacher wanted us to be more "challenged". lol. But I've finally gotten it down pretty well. :) And then for tap we're dancing to a remix of "Girlfriend" by Avril Lavigne. That one is really fun, especially since the song is so fast. lol.
Well, I better go now, because last week was my friend's birthday and I promised I'd call her sometime this week. Later! :)

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Post #37

Ahhh, it's still only Tuesday but it feels like it should be muuuch closer to Friday already. Argh. lol.
Well, my mom and I are both quite fed up with the bus system. Today, which happens to be my mom's birthday, I came out of my house to go to my bus stop at 7:35 like I'm supposed to. The driver of that bus said he would always come at 7:40, and up until today, he always did. Well, it turns out that today he suddenly decided that he wanted to come 10 minutes earlier just for the heck of it. I really wonder how he thought that he could possibly do that without having notified any of us. So anyway, of course my mom ended up having to take me to school. What a nice birthday present. Stupid buses!!!! Well, at least we went out to dinner tonight and we're going to have cake and stuff later. :) And, my regular bus driver was finally back this afternoon so I shouldn't have to worry about the bus coming early or anything.
Well, I just thought I'd share another recent clip of Dakota Fanning! She was on Oprah yesterday for just a few minutes because they were doing some thing about Tom Cruise, who Dakota worked with in the movie War of the Worlds. So here's the clip of her talking. :) She's so awesome!

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Post #36

Well, I've gotta go to bed soon, but I just thought I'd write another entry for the heck of it. :) This weekend was okay. I had to work a bit on the research paper (ugh). I had to find sources that I'm going to use to write my paper. I really don't like research papers. :( As if I haven't made that point enough already, lol. But I really am tired of them- this is my 3rd year in a row writing one and it's my 4th research paper. I'm just trying to think how exactly 3 weeks from now, I'll be on summer break and I'll be free at last. :)
Well, I didn't do much else this weekend. Except of course I watched Star Wars. On Spike TV, they're airing all the Star Wars movies in order, so, being a Star Wars geek, I of course have been tuning in every Sunday night to watch. This week was Episode III. It's good, but sooooo sad! Well, if you haven't seen it, it's the one where Anakin becomes Darth Vader. It's so sad though, I almost cried at the end. lol. I guess it's only sad though if you've seen episodes I and II, because that's where you see Anakin and Padme meet and fall in love, and then episode III is when Anakin finally turns to the dark side, all because he is so afraid of losing Padme. Oh well, at least the last three that they show will be happier, and Anakin will be good again in the last one. :)
Well, I better get to bed now. This isn't exactly going to be the best week of school, because I'll have to work on my research paper, finish a Spanish project, AND present my Power Point that I made in business tech. Quite stressful, but I just remind myself to keep holding on, because I only have 3 weeks left! I will make it through!

Friday, May 2, 2008

Post #35

Whew, it's finally Friday. :) This was actually kind of a long week, so I'm glad it's over. Today was especially nice- all of our classes were cut about 30 minutes short, and during 4th block we had our Powder Puff football game, which was a bit weird. The girls and boys switch, for example, the girls play football and the guys are cheerleaders. Going to the game was optional, but if you didn't go, you had to sit in the gym for two hours, which didn't sound very fun. So my friends and I decided to go, although we really didn't pay attention to the game at all, except for when the male cheerleaders performed, which was quite....well, let's just say creepy. They were wearing skirts and everything! But most of the time my friends and I just sat in a circle and talked. We're not even sure which team ended up winning. lol. But it was really nice to be outside in the nice weather just talking and having a good time.
But yay, I'm so glad it's finally the weekend! :P

Wednesday, April 30, 2008


The title of this post is exactly what I yelled at the TV tonight when Brooke White was voted off of American Idol. I can't believe she's gone. :( I loved her! She was a good singer and she was soooo nice, she had one of the best personalities. She and the two Davids are my favorites. Now I will say that I do think that the Davids are stronger vocalists than she is, so one of them should win. But it is soooo unfair that Brooke went and Jason is STILL in the competition! I mean, how ridiculous can it get? Again, nothing against Jason personally, and I don't blame him for what happened. But I do blame all of these fangirls who only vote for him because they think he's cute! I'm sorry, but he's got to go next week. There is NO way that he should beat Syesha and the Davids. But seriously, I'm so sad. :( I felt so bad for Brooke, she was so upset! I voted for her a bunch of times last night to try to keep her in, but sadly, it didn't work. :( Well, at least we might go to one of the concerts this summer when the top 10 idols go on tour, so I'll get to see her then, and also I'd get to see my other favorites, the Davids and Michael Johns (who also should NEVER have gone before Jason!). I love you Brooke!!!! lol.

Well, everything at school is going okay. Unfortunately, we are starting our research paper this week. Gah! I really don't like research papers. But, who does? lol. I just try to think of how school will be over in less than three weeks and I'll be free! lol.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Post #33

Omg...even more craziness at school! lol. Well, let me just say, the people who run the bus system here are a bit...clueless I think is the word I'm looking for. First of all, we only have two sub drivers for the whole school system, and many of our regular drivers call in "sick" quite frequently. So, half the time we have about 5 drivers absent and we aren't able to get any sub drivers since they've already taken jobs at other schools. So, lots of buses end up having to double up and take another group of kids home. Luckily, there are hardly any people who ride my bus, so whenever we have to double up it's still not very crowded. However, last year at my middle school my bus unfortunately was not very small, and I have some not-so-fond memories of being packed like a sardine on some bus with about 80 people on it. One time a kid even had to sit in the aisle because all of the seats were taken (not to mention we had 3 people to every seat). Ugh. I just felt like getting that off my chest. Stupid bus people. lol. But anyway, back to what happened today. Well, my regular bus driver is actually pretty committed to her job and doesn't not show up just for the heck of it. But, now she has to get major surgery and is going to be gone for 3 weeks! It'll almost be the end of school by the time she comes back. But anyway, they organized it so that one bus will pick us up every morning, and then a different one will take us home in the afternoon. Well, unfortunately, this morning was the first day that my driver was gone and the other bus was supposed to pick us up, and apparently the driver of that bus, Mr. Trotti, forgot that he was supposed to come get us, and this became very apparent when I was still standing at the bus stop at 8:00 (school starts at 8:15). But finally, at about 8:05 or so, this other bus pulled into my neighborhood and got me. The lady driving (who happens to be Mr. Trotti's wife- she's a sub driver) said that he forgot to come get us. By that time, everyone on my bus had given up and gotten a ride to school except for me and one guy. So it was just the two of us, and when we finally got to school, Mr. Wilson (the assistant principal) was giving Mr. Trotti quite a lecture. We were really late, but luckily Mr. Wilson gave us late bus passes. So it was 8:30 at this point. I went down to health, which is my first class, only to find that my class wasn't there. I figured they must have either gone to the library or the AV room. I went up to the office to double check, and they said that the health classes were in the AV room (we go there once a week to listen to a presentation by the police officer). So, I ended up being even later! I finally did get down to the AV room, and that was quite embarrassing having to walk in there in front of about 50 or 60 people (both health classes meet in there). I quickly found my friend Shaun and sat down. We couldn't say anything since the officer was talking, but I held up my late bus pass and we both just rolled our eyes. We both have been victims of the idiotic bus system before. Well, actually everyone probably has. lol. But, hopefully Mr. Trotti has everything figured out now and will come to pick us up tomorrow!

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Post #32

Wow...well, yesterday was quite an eventful day at school. From broken shoes to tornado warnings, it sure wasn't dull. But let me start at the beginning.
Well, I was sitting in Spanish class, conjugating verbs into the imperfect past tense, when suddenly, the thing between my toes on one of my flip flops popped right out. There was no way for me to fix it, and as much as I didn't want to go down to the front office and tell them I have to call my mom because one of my shoes broke, I figured that was what I'd have to do. But of course, this happened right as the bell was about to ring to dismiss us for lunch, and I knew that if I went up there now, I'd miss lunch. So somehow, I was going to have to walk all the way to the cafeteria with a broken shoe and wait to go to the office afterwards. So, I tried my best to make my way down the hall (I'm sure that looked pretty comical, considering I had to drag one of my feet along the ground). But eventually I ended up getting behind everyone else and it took me a good 5-10 minutes to get to the cafeteria. When I finally did get there, a janitor noticed my shoe and asked me about it. He told me to go up to the office to call someone so they could bring me another pair of shoes. I asked him if I would still be able to eat if I did that, so then he called over Mr. Wilson, one of the assistant principals to ask him if he'd let me just come to the last lunch (luckily I have 3rd lunch, which is the second to last lunch period). So Mr. Wilson told me to go ahead and go to the office to call home, and told me to stop by his office afterwards to get a pass so I could just go to 4th lunch instead. So, again, I got to walk through the halls dragging my foot along the ground, but luckily I didn't pass very many people since classes were going on. I suppose I could have just taken my shoe off and gotten there way faster, but that would have looked weird too, and besides, I didn't really like the idea of having my foot touch that floor that thousands of people have walked on over the years. So, I finally did get up to the office and I called my mom, and she brought me another pair of shoes. So then, I went back to Mr. Wilson's office and he called my Spanish teacher and told her I would be going to 4th lunch. So, I did get to miss the rest of Spanish class. lol.
And, throughout that day, it had been looking extremely dark and gloomy outside. We knew we were probably in for some storms. Things got a bit more extreme than that, however. We had just barely gotten to 4th block, the last class of the day. I was in English class, and my teacher had just passed out our vocabulary quizzes, when suddenly, someone in my class said that they thought they heard the tornado sirens going off. My teacher opened the window, and sure enough, they were going off. Then our principal came on the intercom and said that we were in a tornado warning and he told us to all go to our assigned areas for tornado drills. My school is really not a safe place to be during a tornado, considering it is busting at the seams with over 2,000 students, which is over the capacity that the building can hold. Not only that, but we have to cram everyone on the first floor of the building, and not everyone even fits in the hallways, so some people have to stay in classrooms and sit up against the wall. My class had to sit in a classroom. Our classroom was pretty small, but at least we got to go into another classroom that was bigger. No one was really worried or anything, since every time the sirens have gone off here, nothing bad has happened. The last time we had a destructive tornado here was years ago, probably before any of us were born. But, we still had to stay in the classroom until the warning was over. We ended up sitting there for almost the entire block, so it was almost an hour and a half. That was really not pleasant, considering it was quite boring to just sit there. People were talking and stuff, but I didn't really know anyone in there, so I just sat there the whole time. And, lucky for me (that's sarcasm just so you know), these two guys who were sitting right next to me decided it would be fun to pull out their iPods and sing along to their obscene rap music as loud as they could. But thankfully, about 3 minutes before we were supposed to get out of school, they went ahead and dismissed us since things were clearing up. So yeah, that was quite a day. Luckily everything did clear up, and by about 5:00, the sun was back out. So we still ended up having our musical at my school that evening. My parents and I decided to go and see it even though I didn't really know anyone in it. It was pretty good, and I was amazed at how well some of these people acted and sang.
Well, I guess that's all for now. Later. :)

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Post #31

Nooooo! Michael Johns has been voted off of American Idol. :( I am so sad, and I feel guilty for not voting. But I guess one person wouldn't have really made a difference anyway. But omg, I can't believe he's gone and Jason Castro is still there. I have nothing against Jason Castro, but seriously, if you compare the two it's obvious who has the stronger voice. Jason, unfortunately, is one of those guys who beats some of the really good singers because of all the girls going all ga-ga over his looks. It seems like Amrican Idol has someone like that every year. But personally, I think Michael is better-looking anyhow. :P Again, I have nothing against Jason, I just can't understand how Michael should have been the one to go. Oh well. I guess I better start voting for David Archuleta, my other favorite. And, since Michael has such a good voice, I'm sure he'll still end up getting a record deal, and he'll still get to go on the Idol tour this summer.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Post #30

Guess what? I now have Dakota Fanning's autograph! lol. No, I did not meet her or anything (that would be pretty cool though. lol). But in my business tech class, we all had this assignment to write a business letter to a celebrity last month, so I wrote to her. So I ended up being the first person to get something back! We get bonus points if our person writes back, and double bonus points if they send something for our teacher. Well, thanks to Dakota, I get double bonus points for that class since she gave both me and my teacher a signed picture. It's pretty awesome. :P We had to ask them what they think about computers (lol, I thought that was kind of weird). So Dakota wrote on the picture, "To Hannah, Computers ROCK! Peace and happiness! Love, Dakota Fanning". So yeah, it's really cool. :P
And, coincidentally, Dakota's little sister Elle's birthday is in two days! A lot of people aren't familiar with Elle, because Dakota has starred in a lot of major movies, but Elle mostly does independent films and guest spots on TV shows. But I recommend watching Elle's movies and shows too, because she is very talented just like her sister! And they are both so nice. :D But anyway, yeah, Elle is turning 10 in two days so I'll go ahead and wish her happy birthday now.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Post #29

I just came across this video clip and I thought I'd share. It's about Dakota Fanning and how far she's come, and it talks some about the movies she has coming out in the future. You can see it here:
Well, I've got the most shocking news about my admirer, Jared. I kind of guessed in the beginning that he wasn't exactly a goody-goody, but you won't believe what I found out yesterday. He was talking to me and two other people in my class, and he said that he was in jail for three months last summer. The other girl he was talking to asked him what he did, and he said he stole a car!!! And I thought to myself, "omg, there is noooooo way I am going to date an ex-convict!" I mean, I wasn't even considering dating him before, but I know for sure that there is absolutely no way I'm dating a car thief! I'd take Shaun over a car thief any day. :) But yeah, I suppose I have a really good excuse to not date him now, all I have to say is that I'm not allowed to date someone with a criminal record. haha. But still, I can't believe I got asked out by a criminal! Scary.
Well, not much else has been going on. Today I went to dance and I'm getting ready to watch the American Idol results show that's coming on in about 40 minutes. I don't know who will be getting voted off, but it better not be David Archuletta or Michael Johns. They're my favorites. lol. But they're both really popular so I think we can be pretty sure they're safe. :)
And tomorrow, my grandparents and my mom's aunt and uncle are coming! They pick the most random times to come down here and visit, but we're still happy that they're able to come! At least they'll be here over the weekend so I won't be in school all the time that they're here.
Well, guess that's all for now. Later!

Monday, March 17, 2008

Post #28

Yay! I'm finally on spring break. :) So far I've had lots of fun already. :) My brother came home from college last night, so he's here now. This morning I had a doctor's appointment, because my doctor's office closed and I had to get a new one, so today I went to get signed up and everything, and the doctor asked me questions and stuff. And I found out something amazing- I have apparently grown an inch! You know how before they take you back to the room, they check your weight and height? Well, that's what they did, and the lady said I was 5'1"! I thought I was going to be stuck at 5 feet forever. lol.
Then later, I went shopping with my friend. Her sister and her friend, who are in 6th grade, also came. We had a lot of fun, and luckily the mall wasn't crowded- there's nothing I hate more than trying to walk through an overcrowded mall. But anyway, I bought two shirts. Here are the two that I bought, if you care to see. lol
(I got this one in the navy blue color- I absolutely loved this one- it's sooo pretty!) (I bought this one in the black stripes)
I told my mom that I am officially done shopping for clothes for this season though, since I've looked in all the stores that I like and seen everything. lol.

Oh, and of course I have to give you the update on Jared! haha. Well, after Tuesday, which was the day he asked me to date him, everything finally sank in and I don't feel so shocked anymore like I did when I wrote my last post. Well anyway, I did tell him that my parents are really strict and they still won't let me date, so that at least settles it for now. On Wednesday he kept harassing me about when we were going to be able to date, but I just kept telling him I didn't know, and by Thursday he finally let it go. lol. My mom says she thinks he's a little too aggressive because he kept asking me when we were going to be able to date! I kind of agree, and I think it's kind of weird how he's so determined to date me and he doesn't even really know me! lol. Oh well. At least I don't have to worry about anything anymore, at least for now.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Post #27

Wow....well, I don't know what to make of what happened today at school. I am still sitting here in a state of shock like I have been since English class. I guess I wouldn't really say it's a bad thing....but very awkward. I'll go ahead and get right to the point.
Well, we had a sub today in English and we were basically just doing busy work. Well, there's this guy named Jared that sits by me. I don't know him that well, I've just talked to him a few times. But anyway, he asked me if he could borrow a sheet of paper so I gave him one. Then all of a sudden, after he wrote something, he gave it back to me and asked me to answer him. He had written "Are you dating anyone right now?" I wondered why he was asking me this, but I wrote "no." So, to make a long story short, he basically asked me if I would date him. I can't describe how completely shocked I felt. No one has ever asked me anything like that! I think I just sat there for a minute trying to figure out what to say. What's really weird is that I really don't know this guy very well. So I did tell him how I'd have to get to know him better first, and I'd also have to talk to my parents. There IS one other problem Having to admit this to my mom wasn't easy, considering she's been teasing me about being friends with Shaun ever since I first met him...but I do sort of, um, like him. I don't even know if he likes me that way, because he's friends with a lot of girls and could like any of them, so yeah. I'd be totally fine with him going out with someone else. I'd still be perfectly happy just being friends with him, but of course if he wanted to go out, I would be fine with that too. :) Now I'm wondering whether I should have told Jared about this, but I just wanted to be honest with him, because I figured once I got to "know him better" like I told him I would have to, it would be bad to have to tell him then. But anyway, I told my mom what happened and she agreed that I shouldn't date him now if I barely know him, so she told me to tell him that my parents said they weren't quite ready for me to date yet. So hopefully that'll settle it for now...I'm just worried about the future, because IF something did happen between me and Shaun, I don't know how I'd go about telling Jared. Even if I did just stay friends with Shaun though, I'm still not sure that Jared would be right for me anyway. This is just so strange for me though! I never in a million years thought that I was going to be dealing with this until I was like, 20. lol. But what do you know, here's some guy asking me out already!! And, I don't think that he would do this, but I really hope Jared doesn't say anything to Shaun, because unfortunately he figured out who my friend was. I did ask him not to say anything to Shaun about it, so I know that he obviously wouldn't be a good boyfriend if he did. I really don't think he would, but I just reaaaally hope he doesn't! He seems like he really wants to date me and I certainly hope that he wouldn't talk to Shaun to see if he likes me. For one thing, it'd be pretty awkward, obviously, especially if he liked someone else. Shaun isn't even allowed to date till he turns 16, which will be this summer. I was never planning on saying anything to him- I just figured, if he ever wanted to date me, great, but if he never said anything to me, then fine, we can just stay friends. But, if we ever did end up dating, that would be bad now because of the whole Jared ordeal. I also really don't want Jared to say anything for Shaun's sake- I'd really hate to get him involved in this, and I wouldn't want him to feel bad if he liked another girl. So please Jared, if you happen to be reading this- don't say a WORD to Shaun!!!! lol. Ahhhh, I never realized how complicated love really is until this moment. I just hope everything works out and my life doesn't turn into a dramatic soap opera. Ugh, just when I got my Spanish project done and did my driving test and thought that I was finally stress-free....

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Post #26

Whoo! Grad exams are over! lol. Sadly, once I finish writing this post, I'm going to have to work on my project for Spanish class that's due Monday. We have to give a speech on a famous Hispanic person and also make a "visual aid" for our presentation. I've gotten most of the research done already, but I still have to make a poster about my person, Salvador Dali. *sigh*. But at least I'll feel really relieved once I get it all done. Plus, this week is going to be my last week before spring break! =D
Well, I couldn't believe my eyes when I woke up this morning- I looked out the window and there was snow on the ground! It wasn't much, but it was still a miracle nevertheless to be able to see any snow at all. Although I am a bit miffed that it had to happen on the weekend and not on a school night. lol. My mom thinks that if it had been a school night, we might have gotten a 1 or 2-hour delay at school. All the snow is melted now, but it's still freezing outside! But luckily, after today it's supposed to get warm again. I'm pretty happy about that, because I sure am ready for spring!

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Post #25

I'm back! I know it's been kind of awhile since I've written anything, I guess I just lost all of my energy to type because of all these graduation exams I've been taking all week (and we started them last week).
Well, I believe I left off saying how the basketball team won again and we had another day where everyone was gone. Well, then on THAT day, they won AGAIN, so then the next day they went to the state finals and we got dismissed from school early! So that was pretty awesome. :) But sadly, now all that is over so we're back to normal days. lol. But, like I said, last week we started graduation exams and I've taken 5 tests in the past week, and I have one more tomorrow! Lucky for me, it turns out that I don't have to take a math one this year (I already passed the Algebra one last semester). So far I've had writing, history, science, reading, and language, and tomorrow I have biology (different from the other science one I took). The ones I've taken have been pretty easy, but I'm kind of worried biology won't be quite so easy. lol. So hopefully it'll go okay. I'll be so glad when all these exams are over. I've gotten quite tired of walking down to the auditorium in a huge crowd of people, and then having to make my way to my assigned seat. Then we get to listen to the teacher giving the test go over the same directions and rules as they do for every single test. I am usually a pretty slow test taker (luckily the tests aren't timed), so I have to sit there for a looong time. My neck always starts to cramp really bad from having to lean over so far, since we're sitting in the auditorium seats and have to use lap boards to be able to write. Everyone seems to get very restless and bored, but we actually had some entertainment a few times, like when someone sneezed extremely loud during the test, and then another time, someone apparently forgot to turn their cell phone off and the song "Beautiful Girls" by Sean Kingston rang out in the middle of the test. But thankfully, all the testing will be over after tomorrow. :) Yippee!

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Post #24

Well, today is February 23, and it is... *drumroll* Dakota Fanning's birthday! (I remember posting last year on her birthday too. lol). But wow, I can't believe she's 14 already. But I am so glad that she has stayed grounded and down-to-earth, and I hope she continues to stay that way. So Dakota, I hope you have an awesome birthday! I wish you all the best! :)
Well, yesterday at school wasn't quite the same as Tuesday, because the basketball team played earlier so they got back during 3rd block. I didn't really do much in my classes though, except I had my grammar test in English. So it was still a pretty easy day! And, the team won again so we'll be having another day like this on Thursday!